Landlords – Who gets your vote?

Landlords – Who gets your vote?

0:03 AM, 3rd January 2024, About 10 months ago 116

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Hi, Do landlords have a viable political home? It appears not. Historically the Conservative party has been the party of the landlord, permitting the market to control itself to a large extent. This is no longer the case.

Why? Because we have a left of centre conservative government (note the small c). The tail is wagging the dog and in an effort to win voters, they are alienating their core voters in their masses.

Who to vote for then? Certainly not Labour, we only need to look at the London Mayor to see the path they would lead us down. Rent controls, mandatory licencing and higher taxation (and that’s just the start).

Research papers initiated by the Labour Party have even gone as far as to state that compulsory purchase at (market rates!!!) should be considered as a way to bolster the stock of social housing. The Green Party – even further left than Labour and posing the same, if not, a greater level of risk to the Landlord.

I suspect the first initiative would be mandatory EPC Grade A’s all round irrespective of cost.

This leaves us with Reform UK, led by Richard Tice. I live in an area of the UK (Bury North) with the smallest margin between Conservative and Labour at the last election.

Recently our conservative (small c again) MP James Daly, wrote in the local press that his greatest concern at the next election was not Labour, but Reform UK.

I agree with him, our Local Labour candidate James Frith is seen locally as weak and unviable and unlikely to take many votes.

However, many people will make a statement vote for Reform UK, even if this increases the likelihood of Labour gaining a seat.

My question to you readers is, should we vote Reform in the knowledge that it will allow a Labour win or should we vote Conservative?

Should we be looking at sending a clear message to the conservative government that will hopefully make them take notice and restructure themselves as a Conservative party, centre right to win the following election?

Or should we vote Conservative in the hope of weakening an incumbent Labour government?

Or could the seemingly impossible happen and the nation elect Reform UK. This would, be the best result for Landlords.

What do you think?


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Dave S

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10:34 AM, 3rd January 2024, About 10 months ago

I’ve voted conservative all my life (now aged 62) but not this time I shall be voting reform. The conservatives are supposed to be the party of the small business and they are no longer that. ! Apart from having a sizeable BTL portfolio started in 1990 i have another business totally unrelated to property started in 1988 and the conservatives have been no help to me or my family in either of these over the last 5 years , tax, regulations, tax and more regulations. Don’t get me wrong a Labour government will be even worse but I think its far to late for the tories to pull a rabbit out of the hat within the next 12 months so its reform for me even if it turns out to be a protest vote hopefully enough people vote for them to wake our politicians up


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10:37 AM, 3rd January 2024, About 10 months ago

Hi Steve, I agree wholeheartedly with your logic and Reform are the only Party that I feel aligned with now. Also a 'shout out' for GBNews as the platform for free-speaking conversation that goes some way to air views the other 'bland' old channels just don't cover anymore. As we have a small portfolio we are really concerned about the future of the PRS and landlord's fate with the obvious detrimental knock-on affect to tenants. There is a whole lot of warped, illogical thinking going on in the media, my concern is who is really noticing this? Best, Wendy

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10:42 AM, 3rd January 2024, About 10 months ago

The conservatives will not get into power again this election, so you have nothing to lose.

It's not vote Reform get Labour, it's vote anything and get Labour. The conservatives currently don't stand for anything and are not competent, some say corrupt.

So you get a free vote, vote your conscience.

Personally I have been to the Reform conference and met the members of Reform and can see they are clearly small state and common sense orientated. So they get my vote.


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12:00 PM, 3rd January 2024, About 10 months ago

I am a life long Tory voter,(UKIP in European elections). I am dreading a Starmer government but I can no longer vote for the shower of sh*t we have in power now. I was wavering but have made up my mind to vote Reform, they talk my language.


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12:11 PM, 3rd January 2024, About 10 months ago

I've been a Tory voter for 51 years, and this is the worst government I can recall. I've seen their infighting before, but at least hey were still Conservatives. This has been on a different level.

Voters have been desperate for them to see sense, start to act as Conservatives, and use their overwhelming majority to force through their policies. Instead, they have bowed to media pressure, and committed political suicide.

Nothing would change if they were to be somehow re-elected, and Labour will be even worse. The Libdems proved how useless they are in 2010, but will get seats in the South West. The real target is the 'red wall'. They voted for Boris, but I think they would have voted for Nigel Farage.

Reform UK for me.

Claire Smith

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12:17 PM, 3rd January 2024, About 10 months ago

I have a problem as I am a landlord and a teacher. The cuts to school budgets at a time of increasing numbers and severity of special needs are now so severe that I am afraid of redundancy. My role is covering classes when other teachers have time out of class. This no longer legally needs a qualified teacher. So Labour would be my only hope here. Of course Labour would destroy our property pension and that of my family. I am 62 and have never voted anything but Conservative, being a Thatcherite by nature (small family business, strong work ethic). Tempted to spoil my ballot paper!


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12:38 PM, 3rd January 2024, About 10 months ago

Our excellent Conservative Candidate for the next GE told me that a neighbour and co-Parish Councillor is the one and only Lord Buckethead and he will be standing as well at the GE for the Monster Raving Loonies. Buckethead for PM?

Dennis Leverett

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13:17 PM, 3rd January 2024, About 10 months ago

I've voted Tory for the lasted 52 years, except UKIP, but now???????? Politics at all levels right down to some Parish Councils is now so toxic the whole system needs replacing starting with dumping the expensive House of Lords charade. I have to now vote Reform even if it means Labour getting in. I'm praying that they will get enough seats, although unlikely, to put the other idiots in place and show them for what they are. It would be great if Nigel Farage and Dominic Cummings could work together some how. Probably get many thumbs down for that but if you get some time have a look at Dominic Cummins blog, he really does see things as they are and has answers. Happy New Year LOL


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13:24 PM, 3rd January 2024, About 10 months ago

Reply to the comment left by Dennis Leverett at 03/01/2024 - 13:17
Cummings does see things as they are, but when he tried to change things, the 'blob' ensured he was removed, and then Boris.


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13:26 PM, 3rd January 2024, About 10 months ago

Reply to the comment left by Blodwyn at 03/01/2024 - 12:38
Probably better than the LibLabCon candidates?

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