Landlord News
13:46 PM, 7th February 2025, About 8 hours ago|
The detail of the government’s consultation on implementing an EPC rating of C in privately rented properties reveals a deadline of 2028 for new tenancies - NOT 2030.
However, ALL tenancies will need to be EPC C compliant by 2030 - we have published the timeline and relevant definitions below.
The government says this extended timeframe is intended to provide landlords with extra time to plan and implement necessary property improvements.
Also, the new law is expected to b

Private landlords in England will need to upgrade their properties to meet a minimum Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating of C by 2030, under a consultation announced by the government.
Nottingham landlord Mick Roberts has hit out at the government plans saying they 'will simply increase rents and make tenants homeless' - see his hard hitting video below.
This new requirement, the government says, will improve living standards for renters and reduce energy costs.
Let's be honest, the Conservatives did landlords in the UK no favours, but Labour are delivering something that is making me sit up and think.
It appears that both political parties are dedicated to reducing the private rented sector, but I don't think that anyone has thought about the consequences.
I tuned into the Lords’ debate on the Renters' Rights Bill this week, and apart from the unnecessary crackdown on decent landlords, I was left asking: "Where will the displaced te
Data from trade body UK Finance has revealed a drop in the number of landlords in buy to let mortgage arrears for the last quarter of 2024, while BTL property possessions remained stable.
It says that the fourth quarter saw 12,610 BTL mortgages behind on payments by 2.5% or more...
Propertymark has responded to the Welsh government’s housing white paper consultation and expressed support for some measures – but warns about the impact on PRS investment.
The white paper outlines proposals to improve affordability and quality in the private rented sector...
The third survey this week is highlighting that landlords are planning to sell properties this year with the latest one revealing that one in five landlords in England are looking to do so.
The findings come from Octane Capital which says that the landlords are looking to sell because of the forthcoming Renters’...
Critic says tenants paying off a landlord's mortgage ‘can't...
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Landlords to meet 2030 EPC deadline with a £15,000 cap - Government...
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