Landlord News
16:18 PM, 17th January 2025, About 6 hours ago|
News this week of the Renters’ Rights Bill returning to Parliament and getting ever closer to becoming law by the summer of this year has sent alarm bells ringing.
Abolition of Section 21, banning advance rent payments and more powers given to councils to fine landlords, have created a perfect storm in the private rented sector.
For landlords like myself, the Renters’ Rights Bill is the final nail in the coffin. Many of us are now looking at our portfolios and asking, “I
Despite a growing landlord exodus - which the housing minister Matthew Pennycook disbelieves - would you start as a landlord in 2025? There are reasons for and against. I'd like to hear your views because I try - honestly! - to remain positive despite what is regularly being thrown our way.
I got thinking after the Renters' Rights Bill headed off to its next stop in the House of Lords.
Are things really as bad as I make out most weeks? I'm still here, most of my landlord friend
One organisation says that while changes to rental law are vital, they are only the 'first step' in rebalancing power in the private rented sector (PRS).
Nationwide Foundation warns that the passing of the Renters' Rights Bill in its progress to becoming law is not enough to address the deep-seated issues facing 11 million private renters.
Its programme manager for transforming the private rented sector, Joshua Davies, emphasises the need for a robust implementation strategy.
Hi, My Tenants moved out a few months ago so I have a house standing empty I’m paying Council Tax on which is near my Son’s University.
My full-time student Son stays there a couple of nights a week but has asked to live in the property full-time (obviously rent-free)....
Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs) have been a cornerstone of the UK rental market, offering affordable housing options for tenants and profitable investment opportunities for landlords.
As urban centers grapple with housing shortages, HMOs continue to attract attention for their benefits and challenges alike...
The title of this article may have caught your attention, just as the original video on YouTube did for us.
Intrigued, we couldn’t resist giving it a watch—and we’re glad we did! After all, it’s not every day we come across content so insightful that it warrants sharing with our community....
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