One organisation says that while changes to rental law are vital, they are only the ‘first step’ in rebalancing power in the private rented sector (PRS).
Nationwide Foundation warns that the...
The property market has experienced a strong start to 2025, with buyer demand on Zoopla rocketing 14% ahead of this time last year, the property portal reports.
This surge in interest has translated to...
The Lettings Hub chief executive, Heidi Shackell, has expressed her disappointment over the decision in Parliament to ban rent in advance, warning that it could have unintended consequences for vulnerable...
The title of this article may have caught your attention, just as the original video on YouTube did for us.
Intrigued, we couldn’t resist giving it a watch—and we’re glad we did! After all, it’s...
Labour’s energy performance certificate (EPC) targets for landlords will drive Britain’s property market into a ‘frenzy’ and worsen the housing shortage, experts have warned the...
While tenant demand for rental properties has stabilised, landlords selling up continues to push rents higher, RICS says.
Its latest survey for December 2024 reveals that 37% of respondents anticipate...
Rents in the UK’s private rented sector (PRS) continued to climb in the year to December, though the pace of growth did slow, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) reveals.
Its data reveals that...
A London council says it lost 156 private sector homes being used for temporary accommodation last year due to landlords reclaiming their properties.
It says this is down to landlords exiting the market...
Dear Members and Readers,
Our apologies for the Newsletter accidentally being sent about 6o times today Wednesday 15th January.
This was a one-off glitch due to a cat keyboard interface error and an additional...
More than 200 private tenants are being evicted by a Labour-run council to address its growing housing waiting list, the Daily Telegraph reports.
The council aims to rehouse families currently living in...
The Renters’ Rights Bill has navigated the House of Commons and is now heading to the House of Lords for further scrutiny and could become law by the summer.
While the Bill incorporates several amendments...
Most landlords planning to exit the private rented sector (PRS) within the next two years are driven by concerns over changing regulations and taxation, a report reveals.
The findings from The Deposit...
While many landlords are concerned about the abolition of Section 21 ‘no-fault’ evictions, they believe the expanded Section 8 possession grounds proposed in the Renters’ Rights Bill...
A new selective licensing scheme for ALL landlords with private rented sector properties in one London borough has been unveiled.
Barking and Dagenham Council will be one of the first authorities to utilise...
Research by district and borough councils into how housing conditions and experiences affect the health and well-being of tenants and landlords has been launched.
The councils in Suffolk are working with...
Landlords, letting agents and build-to-rent providers have warned that the government’s Renters’ Rights Bill could make it harder for vulnerable tenants to access rented accommodation.
Market Financial Solutions (MFS) has reduced its rates across its bridging, buy to let and Bridge Fusion ranges.
The lender has lowered both variable and fixed-rate bridging loan rates.
Rates on the Bridge...
First-time buyers are rushing to complete property purchases before the stamp duty increase comes into effect in April, Hamptons reveals.
It says that the share of homes bought by first-time buyers across...
Half of the UK’s 30 million homes increased in value in 2024 as house prices returned to growth following a decline in 2023, research from Zoopla reveals.
It points to weak buyer demand, driven by...
Last year saw landlords struggle with a huge rise in tenancy fraud, particularly in London, research reveals.
The findings from Homeppl, a tenant referencing platform, found that its technology helped...
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