Maidstone desperate for landlords with one-bed flats or studios

Maidstone desperate for landlords with one-bed flats or studios

10:00 AM, 30th December 2021, About 3 years ago 7

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Maidstone Borough Council has put out an urgent call looking for landlords with self-contained one bedroomed flats or studios to house residents in need across the borough.

The council’s Housing First scheme provides full-dedicated support for landlords throughout the whole life of the tenancy as well as a £2,000 one-off incentive payment. The Council will also pay six weeks rent in advance, along with a 12-month extensive insurance policy covering both Landlord and tenant.

Cllr Simon Webb, Vice Chair of Communities, Housing and Environment Committee said: “Finding a home to help people back into independent living is very challenging, so we urge any landlord with property that meets the criteria to come forward to help us give someone a fresh start for 2022.

“The tenancy will be fixed for 12 months and we will work with you to make sure the property is suitable and affordable for the tenant prior to any letting. We can also request that the rent is paid directly to the landlord or agent.

“Private landlords in and around the Maidstone area play an important role in helping us to resolve people’s housing needs. We are encouraging landlords who are interested in the scheme to contact MBC to find out more about the project.”

The Council will carry out a joint inspection of each property with landlords prior to each let to ensure safety standards have been met and will also require safety certificates EICR /GAS Safe and EPC for each property.

For further information, the Housing Team can be contacted on on telephone: 01622 602252, or email:

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Robert M

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11:49 AM, 30th December 2021, About 3 years ago

While a cash incentive is very nice, the devil will be in the detail of what exactly is being offered, particularly in relation to what is or isn't covered by the insurance policy. If full rent AND damage (malicious and accidental) is not covered by the offer, then I would be extremely wary about this.

Housing First is aimed at helping the most entrenched rough sleepers, i.e. those who have returned to the streets again and again, perhaps due to evictions or through their own choice. This is often due to alcoholism, drug dependency, anti-social behaviour, violence, or offending. While some of these issues don't necessarily make the person a bad tenant (or a bad person), particularly if given the right level of support, if you are a landlord does not want to have tenants who may have these issues/behaviours, then landlords need to check the small print of this offer very carefully to ascertain what exactly the Council will be indemnifying them against.

Is the Council taking the risk, or passing the risk to the landlord?

If the Council believe the individuals are suitable for self-contained housing, why are they not offering their own housing stock?

Would the Council be willing to lease the property from the owner landlord, and thus take on full responsibility for potential damage, repairs, non-payment of rent by the tenant, voids, anti-social behaviour issues, police kicking the door in to carry out arrests, noise nuisance, etc, etc? If the Council are not willing to do this, ask yourself why.

I run a not-for-profit company that leases properties (in Sheffield) from private landlords to use as supported accommodation for homeless people, so I have come across all of these scenarios (and many more), so this is not scaremongering, it is based on real life experience.

Reluctant Landlord

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12:38 PM, 30th December 2021, About 3 years ago

Reply to the comment left by Robert Mellors at 30/12/2021 - 11:49
I thought that the law only permits a 5 week deposit? A local council where I have property is offering what seems to be the same as Maidstone.

They did NOT offer anything that mitigated the risk of damage (other than the deposit) and the 'cash incentive' was only after a fixed period of time passed and the tenant was still in the property. Nothing if they do a bunk/trash the place before then.
Moreover they say they will cover the 12 months 'extensive' insurance (check the limit!) - and a day after that it are then on your own!

For such high risk tenants it was a resounding NO from me and will remain the same no matter what 'incentives' they chuck at it.

At some point the LC and central government will realise WHY private LL's are not chomping at the bit to take up these offers....


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12:43 PM, 30th December 2021, About 3 years ago

It’s not for me! Our council have introduced licensing for no good reason apart from £700 in their coffers! They also brought in £30,000 - unlimited fines for any faults found with a rental property regardless whether or not the tenant informs the LL of a problem and they’re now asking for help! Many LLs have sold up as it’s not worth the worry so causing yet more homelessnes!

dismayed landlord

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13:05 PM, 30th December 2021, About 3 years ago

Avoid at all costs. Tried working with Dartford/ Sevenoaks and Gravesham. Been burnt twice. Will never trust a council scheme again. Same goes for Housing Associations. They made their beds etc

John Dace

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18:12 PM, 30th December 2021, About 3 years ago

No. No. No. Another desperate con trick to snare unsuspecting landlords. Councils & encouraged by Shelter & co have whipped landlords tirelessly with all the unjust fines / licensing / tax hits / legislation and now want our help!? Maybe now they will start to see the harm rather than good they have done the lowliest tenant class as no landlord can afford to take the risks they used to. Its going to get a lot worse. More homeless - no well meaning caring landlords prepared to help. Told you so.


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15:23 PM, 31st December 2021, About 3 years ago

I can smell TRAP. Wouldn't touch it with a barge pole.

Mick Roberts

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8:11 AM, 1st January 2022, About 3 years ago

Wow offering 2k now.
Fining us with one hand & threats & retrospective changes this & that. And the other hand, the homeless section comes begging & paying out more than the villains the other side of the Council Licensing imbeciles receive in.

Well said all of u above.

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