Tenants – It’s getting worse unless you see both sides and write your MP

Tenants – It’s getting worse unless you see both sides and write your MP

9:34 AM, 22nd October 2021, About 3 years ago 58

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Tenants, your rents are getting more expensive. It’s getting worse for you unless you see both sides of the story and write to the MP’s.

The Green Party wants a 1% tax on All Landlords property. Because they say we’ve had rent increases of 6.6%. They estimate this will cost the average Landlord £1700, per property. Where is the money coming from? Are they nuts!

More Landlords have now finished their breakfast, ringing their solicitor to arrange eviction papers and ringing Estate Agents to put up for sale.

What if your Landlord hasn’t given you a rent increase? What if your Landlord looks after you? Gees, this is a sure-fire way of the Landlords who have looked after their tenants, now having to give them a rent increase they avoided before.

I thought I was hearing things when I heard the Green Party mention this tenant destroyer on the BBC news this morning at 0644 in. https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/live/bbcone?rewindTo=current

More Landlords packing up now Green party – Well done. And we know what that means don’t we? Yes, you got it right, even less supply and more increased rents next year, because you’ve just made the remaining Landlords the king of the castle. And ever-increasing tenants – you’ve made their life more horrendous.

I’m not a politics man, but I did a little few minute digs this morning and it seems Green Party always like to clobber Landlords. Their policies sound great, but as we know, they just reduce supply, which puts up rents.
Let’s just hope for the tenant’s sake they don’t get in then. https://twitter.com/MickRobertsBoss/status/1451441189266337809?t=rhuceJmAEhe-jhOpDiWwZQ&s=19

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11:44 AM, 25th October 2021, About 3 years ago

Can you all check/add/complete: landlords treated differently 1) only business/industry not allowed to deduct interest costs 2) stamp duty surcharge 3% extra of value property 3) extra high CGT 4) expensive council licences when landlords help society by taking the enormous trouble of renting to those on lowest incomes 5) no support during covid but the opposite- as again the only group ! 6)non-tax: s21 ending 6) councils actively helping non tenants to stay in property until eviction formalized in court 7) which courts deliberately delay for years when they see case concerns landlord 8) deposit adjudicators always side with tenants leaving landlords with high costs 9) all of which emboldens tenants with high rents to stop paying/create problems 10) excessive unique high fines of 30,000 pounds and 12 month rent recovery- if you commit violent crimes the fines are at most a few hundred pounds 11) government is in so doing giving huge stress and wrecking lives of landlords who just work hard for society and their pensions. Enough is enough, dont they get it ? Plucked bled and exsanguinated we are. Lets steal pensions of civil servants who dont even work or run any risk.


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11:53 AM, 25th October 2021, About 3 years ago

Reply to the comment left by Coastal at 25/10/2021 - 10:32
Please tell us all where you get all of your misinformation from, please?


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12:12 PM, 25th October 2021, About 3 years ago

Reply to the comment left by neilt at 25/10/2021 - 11:53
I cannot see any misinformation in Coastal's contribution, please quantify.

Grumpy Doug

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12:35 PM, 25th October 2021, About 3 years ago

Reply to the comment left by neilt at 25/10/2021 - 11:53
Neil, are you a landlord? I suspect not, as Coastal's post was bang on the money and will resonate with most landlords.

Chris @ Possession Friend

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17:18 PM, 25th October 2021, About 3 years ago

Reply to the comment left by Rob Crawford at 22/10/2021 - 10:42
Yes Rob, sadly that's true.
The Conservatives have gone far enough to the left to poach enough voters to make them a Majority Govt.
Meanwhile, the 'Tories' - allegedly the party of business !!! have been selling out Landlords for popular and fashionable notions.
Truth, as Mick says, is the vast majority of good tenants NEED landlords as much as patients need Doctors.
Coincidentally, the satisfaction rate for tenants, and patients is the same - 83 %

Whereas, only 38 % think Parliament is doing a good job ! ( and I don't think there are any landlords in that 38% ! '-)



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17:54 PM, 25th October 2021, About 3 years ago

Reply to the comment left by Chris @ Possession Friend at 25/10/2021 - 17:18
Interesting statistic Chris.

Old Mrs Landlord

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22:24 PM, 25th October 2021, About 3 years ago

Reply to the comment left by Chris @ Possession Friend at 25/10/2021 - 17:18
You quote Mick who has made the point I always come back to - without landlords there can be no tenants. It's far too simplistic to retort that for every property a landlord sells that is one more property occupied by an owner. The fact is it is just as likely, if not more likely, to be one more tenant with no chance of a decent home. A huge proportion of renters have no hope of ever becoming owners and many have no desire to saddle themselves with a mortgage and the responsibility of maintaining a property, only to face the prospect of losing it if they have to go into care in old age..
The political left constantly tell us tenants need security of tenure, controlled rents, heavily insulated homes etc., etc. ad infinitum. Landlords do not have the luxury of behaving like charities because they do not have the advantages charities enjoy and they need a return on their investment to pay for all the work they put in and the risk they take..

Mick Roberts

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7:01 AM, 26th October 2021, About 3 years ago

Reply to the comment left by Chris @ Possession Friend at 25/10/2021 - 17:18
Great figures Chris.

Mick Roberts

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7:01 AM, 26th October 2021, About 3 years ago

Reply to the comment left by Old Mrs Landlord at 25/10/2021 - 22:24
I've said this too Old Mrs Landlord.
We not a charity. It has ended up being like that for some of us though.
I'm also not a Policeman, bailiff, social worker, debt collector, psychiatrist, but it's ended up many of us being just that.

Profit is often seen as a dirty word. However, if there is no profit, there are no houses & tenants have no homes.
They keep chucking the charges on us, we keep putting the rents up.
They keep giving us more hassle & admin, we put up with it if it means a slightly higher rent to alleviate the extra hassle. At some point existing tenants can't afford the higher rents needed to pay Govt & Councils 2021 bureaucracy. Either they move or we sell cause If the numbers don't add up, we get out.

Chris Byways

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10:49 AM, 26th October 2021, About 3 years ago

Thanks Chris, interesting. I couldn’t see the 83% figure in that article, but Homelet reported
“Promisingly, the majority of private renters (83%) were satisfied with their current accommodation, a higher proportion than social renters (78%), but less likely than owners (95%). Levels of satisfaction did vary by region, from 80% in the North West to 86% in the North East, but still consistently above 80%.” (Perhaps the 95% haven’t had to sell up for Care Homes fees - YET?)
Yes Mick, How do we get dimwits in Parliament to realise the PRS is a business and MUST make fair returns?
Why don’t we sell-up and head to Landlord Invest, get 5 - 12%, in an ISA, so tax free, a much more liquid investment and FAR less hassle?
Whilst I now fortunately have 100% tenant satisfaction (6 ASTs & 4 Leases) when a suitable candidate arises it will probably be sold or put on SpareRoom of AirBnB - not what I came into this for, starry eyed, a few years back.
It was heartbreaking to hear the string of applicants for my last two vacancies, but we’re not a charity we can’t subsidise what Councils can’t provide!

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