3-month eviction ban extension and their fantasy world

3-month eviction ban extension and their fantasy world

9:50 AM, 2nd June 2020, About 4 years ago 53

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When the 3-month eviction ban was introduced, it was mentioned that it might be extended if deemed necessary. Predictably, now that the 3-month period is coming to an end, we hear a cacophony of voices – from Shelter, Generation Rent, the Citizens Advice Bureau, the London Renters Union and the Chartered Institute of Housing – demanding that it be extended. In their fantasy world they’d like the extension to have no deadline and no conditions; everyone should live rent-free forever and never be evicted.

We came to expect this nonsense from the Corbynite extreme left; what is incredible however is that a Conservative Government should be listening to this nonsense and forcing landlords to cover the costs of nonpaying tenants. The fact that it did this for 3 months was bad enough. It meant that many thousands of landlords with nightmare tenants from hell have been unable to evict them and have had to suffer extreme financial stress and mental anguish, as they continue to be ripped off while they cover often huge costs in arrears and damage.

I am trying to get the message to the Government that they must reverse this approach, stop listening to the landlord-hating organisations mentioned above, and realise that they need a positive, fully-functioning private rented sector, where landlords are valued for the work we do. If they don’t shift their stance soon, there are going to be serious problems on a macro-level in housing provision. Each individual landlord’s problems are going to mount up to one hell of a crisis in the sector.

I have had my views on this published today on the influential website conservativehome. The link is here. Rosalind Beck: Extending the evictions ban would not help the vulnerable

I urge landlords to send the link to their MPs asking that they pass this to Robert Jenrick urgently. I will be doing the same with my Labour MP. The ignorant voices on the left are making themselves heard. We must do the same.

I would also appreciate it if you could give your views below this article on Property118, especially if you can describe how the eviction ban and shutdown of the housing market has affected your business and finances. We can then also forward this article to MPs to put them in the picture regarding what is happening.

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Reluctant Landlord

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11:44 AM, 3rd June 2020, About 4 years ago

Reply to the comment left by Hardworking Landlord at 02/06/2020 - 11:06
I'm in EXACTY the same position. tenant is slowly destroying my house and rent arrears just keep increasing. Court proceedings started way before lockdown but I'm still waiting for the courts to get there act together. This is actually a simply case and just needs a judge with a head on his/her shoulders to see it and make a call. What happened to the idea that cases pre lockdown would get dealt with during the three month ban period? The courts know this is going to be a nightmare when re-opening so why the hell haven't they been sorting this out? I'm furious. I paid for a legal service and I'm not getting it!

michelle green

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0:04 AM, 4th June 2020, About 4 years ago

Meantime housing associations have put UP their rent and threatening the leased tenants/shared owners with forfeiture. They are also dishing out plenty of hefty section 20s.


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11:00 AM, 4th June 2020, About 4 years ago

Done Rosalind!

maggie hurst

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11:28 AM, 4th June 2020, About 4 years ago

One of the many affected by the situation, I have suffered helplessly since late last year. My tenant stopped paying rent last December, having moved in September 2019.
So he has occupied my property on a 6 month AST which would have ended legally with due notice on 15Th April this year. Obviously he is still there living rent free and although Section 8 and 21 notices were served before the Covid Lockdown the whole thing is frozen.

Chris @ Possession Friend

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13:07 PM, 4th June 2020, About 4 years ago

Reply to the comment left by maggie hurst at 04/06/2020 - 11:28
Maggie we have helped clients with exactly the same circumstances.


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21:09 PM, 4th June 2020, About 4 years ago

My tenant from hell forced two other people to move out then broke in into other room and even I had witness police said not enough evidence then he just stopped paying rent without explaining and didn't reply to my messages or phone calls, then sent me link from Sun that landlords can get 12 months mortgage payment holidays.
I served S21 but courts are closed and they might be closed till December and then the process takes 6 months in normal life but this time will be much longer. It can take me min 1.5 years or more to evict him. By then I will loose the house or 25k (mortgage, legal & bills) as it's HMO I still have to pay bills while he is living there for free. I asked him to apply for universal credit but he still earns money and can not apply. He knows I can not do anything and that cours take ages and he is laughing and making jokes and saying he will say in court he can not find any new room as agencies not replying to him. I called all agencies next day and all of them open and doing viewings already.
I worked hard to save for my two BTL and now I will loose house and deposit because of one person.
The law is so unfair, I can not believe one tenant can ruine your life like that.

Chris @ Possession Friend

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22:55 PM, 4th June 2020, About 4 years ago

Reply to the comment left by Katie at 04/06/2020 - 21:09
Yes, there are things you can do.


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20:09 PM, 5th June 2020, About 4 years ago

The predicted extension has been announced

Mick Roberts

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7:26 AM, 6th June 2020, About 4 years ago

They getting a stay of execution for now for let's say 10,000 tenants.
But next year 100,000 vulnerable tenants can no longer get a house. As the Landlords that has had to shoulder the cost of the 10,000 tenants above, next year they being super safe & now stopped housing HB DWP UC etc. Only super clean credit worthy top people are having a house.
All these polices they think about just make it worse for tenants long term.

Why don't they ever come to talk to Landlords on the ground in the real world & say 'If we do this, what do u think will happen?'

Chris @ Possession Friend

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8:30 AM, 6th June 2020, About 4 years ago

Reply to the comment left by Mick Roberts at 06/06/2020 - 07:26
Exactly Mick,
Govt have no idea how much harm they're doing to many times more tenants when this is over.

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