3-month eviction ban extension and their fantasy world

3-month eviction ban extension and their fantasy world

9:50 AM, 2nd June 2020, About 4 years ago 53

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When the 3-month eviction ban was introduced, it was mentioned that it might be extended if deemed necessary. Predictably, now that the 3-month period is coming to an end, we hear a cacophony of voices – from Shelter, Generation Rent, the Citizens Advice Bureau, the London Renters Union and the Chartered Institute of Housing – demanding that it be extended. In their fantasy world they’d like the extension to have no deadline and no conditions; everyone should live rent-free forever and never be evicted.

We came to expect this nonsense from the Corbynite extreme left; what is incredible however is that a Conservative Government should be listening to this nonsense and forcing landlords to cover the costs of nonpaying tenants. The fact that it did this for 3 months was bad enough. It meant that many thousands of landlords with nightmare tenants from hell have been unable to evict them and have had to suffer extreme financial stress and mental anguish, as they continue to be ripped off while they cover often huge costs in arrears and damage.

I am trying to get the message to the Government that they must reverse this approach, stop listening to the landlord-hating organisations mentioned above, and realise that they need a positive, fully-functioning private rented sector, where landlords are valued for the work we do. If they don’t shift their stance soon, there are going to be serious problems on a macro-level in housing provision. Each individual landlord’s problems are going to mount up to one hell of a crisis in the sector.

I have had my views on this published today on the influential website conservativehome. The link is here. Rosalind Beck: Extending the evictions ban would not help the vulnerable

I urge landlords to send the link to their MPs asking that they pass this to Robert Jenrick urgently. I will be doing the same with my Labour MP. The ignorant voices on the left are making themselves heard. We must do the same.

I would also appreciate it if you could give your views below this article on Property118, especially if you can describe how the eviction ban and shutdown of the housing market has affected your business and finances. We can then also forward this article to MPs to put them in the picture regarding what is happening.

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10:37 AM, 6th June 2020, About 4 years ago

Gentlemen, you have all missed the point! The gov't know exactly what they're doing. They want a nice quiet easy life and not have hoards of angry evicted tenants banging on 'their' door instead of ours !!! 'Thou shalt not covet thy neighbours (tenants) house' - naughty Landlords!


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12:58 PM, 6th June 2020, About 4 years ago

I have read elsewhere the the S21 form has been lengthened, is more complicated and requires far more evidence (apparently - for example - every single gas safety certificate issued during the tenancy). I read that this happened, very quietly, about a month ago.

Downsize Government

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13:53 PM, 6th June 2020, About 4 years ago

Dont assume the schizophrenic Government know what they are doing or have your interests at heart.

It must follow that if Government legally stop you earning a living, they must be liable for that.
This applys to landlords as well as tenants.
Wonder if someone will claim compensation via courts.

You may not be able to evict, but can you still getva court order for costs.

Luke P

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14:38 PM, 6th June 2020, About 4 years ago


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15:08 PM, 6th June 2020, About 4 years ago

Reply to the comment left by Luke P at 06/06/2020 - 14:38
If it is possible to have a case, it should be looked at by the NRLA as they are the biggest landlord association. Funding of a case should be through their landlord members and or by crowd funding. I am sure most landlords would contribute to this.

Luke P

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16:55 PM, 6th June 2020, About 4 years ago

Reply to the comment left by Clint at 06/06/2020 - 15:08Goodness knows why *anyone* has faith in the NRLA…they won’t touch anything even remotely controversia or landlord-centric. They often *agree* with stupid Govt. policy!!

Steve Hards

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17:39 PM, 6th June 2020, About 4 years ago

Rosalind - your Conservative Home article is far and away the best explanation of the problems that I have seen and I've sent the link to my MP. I hope all other readers do the same.
(The link if anyone missed it is: https://www.conservativehome.com/localgovernment/2020/06/rosalind-beck-extending-the-evictions-ban-would-not-help-the-vulnerable.html )


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18:30 PM, 6th June 2020, About 4 years ago

Reply to the comment left by Luke P at 06/06/2020 - 16:55
Since the two associations have joined forces, I am making a recommendation as otherwise, there is no one to represent us and hopefully the NRLA finally realise that they are a Landlord Association and not a Tenant Association.

I agree that so far, they have achieved next to nothing, and overall act more in favour of the tenants.

Maybe, someone reading these posts may hopefully have a better idea or the National Landlords Alliance hopefully could try once more to achieve something for the landlords. I personally liked Larry Sweeney's style which with the backing, would more than likely achieve something. Unfortunately, I believe Larry no longer has the time for this.

I too, as Ian Simpson says, only pay the "NLA" subscription for the discounts with the "MyDeposit" Scheme.

Chris @ Possession Friend

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21:13 PM, 6th June 2020, About 4 years ago

Reply to the comment left by at 06/06/2020 - 13:53
There is a case in America on that subject at present.

Mark Shine

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21:36 PM, 6th June 2020, About 4 years ago

I finally joined the RLA a year or so ago. In terms of benefits, as well as marginally reduced deposit protection costs as mentioned by others, I’ve found using their tenancy agreements, HMRC tax investigation insurance and advice line particularly worthwhile. Although I realise Larry’s idea was to create a new LL organisation to actually challenge all the manipulative anti PRS media spin with actual facts, realistically it might be worth Larry (or his successor) considering offering some additional LL services to increase the attraction of his membership proposition?

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