Tag: ROI

Tracker Rate Class Actions Updates
Over 1,000 people have registered an interest in the Class Action groups challenging the legality of the increases to tracker mortgage...

Firefox is landlords favourite browser
40% of landlords visiting Property118 use Firefox as their favourite browser according to our analytics.
I was quite surprised at...

Oven Cleaning is one of the biggest issues in a rented pr...
Oven cleaning is one of the biggest issues and this article is to help Landlords present this particular item in their property in...

Perfect tenant of 6 years turns heroin addicted prostitut...
I first let to these tenants in 2003. They already had a daughter and later gave birth to a second. She was an accountant, I forget...

My BuyToLet Portfolio “Vintage 2003” – ...
My vintage year was 2003. I was followed for 24 hours by a camera crew to make a TV program about young entrepreneurs. By then I had...

Landlords, Tenants, Dogs, Pets
“Landlords, Tenants, Dogs, Pets” is part 7 of my latest series of articles entitled “My first intentional property...

When tenants ask how much is the Council Tax
Council Tax can be a deciding factor to some tenants. When you rent out a property, tenants often ask what the council tax band is.