Shelter blame B&Bs on private landlords!

Shelter blame B&Bs on private landlords!

13:50 PM, 14th November 2019, About 5 years ago 25

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Shelter press release: The government has released new figures on the amount being spent by local councils on temporary accommodation for homeless households in England in 2018/19. They show:

– Councils spent £1.1 billion on temporary accommodation for homeless households between April 2018 and March 2019. This has increased by 9% in the last year and 78% in the last five years.

– Shockingly, more than 30% of the total was spent on emergency B&Bs, £344 million, some of the worst places for families with children to live.

– Spending on B&Bs has increased by a staggering 111% in the last five years. As Shelter sees through its own services, this is largely due to a shortage of affordable accommodation meaning councils may have no choice but to use emergency B&Bs.

– Funding for temporary accommodation mainly comes from the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP). However, these figures illustrate the huge gap between DWP funding, and the amount councils need to house homeless households. The amount councils spent from their own budget on TA has increased by 123% in the last five years, while central government grants for social housebuilding have been cut.

Polly Neate, chief executive of Shelter, said: “These figures are a shocking, yet entirely preventable consequence of our housing emergency. If consecutive governments had built the genuinely affordable social homes that are needed, fewer people would be homeless, and we would not be wasting vast sums on unsuitable temporary accommodation.

“What’s even more shameful is that so much of this public money is lining the pockets of unscrupulous private landlords, who can charge desperate councils extortionate rates for grim B&Bs, because there’s nowhere else for families to go. No family should have to live in a tiny room where there’s nowhere to even cook a meal, or any safe space for their children to play.

“This is a crisis we cannot allow politicians to ignore during this election. Social housing must be at the heart of every manifesto, and all parties must to commit to at least 90,000 new social homes a year over the next parliament. If they don’t, all of us will pay an even higher price.”

Polly, private landlords are not B&B owners as this is a separate commercial industry as hotels are!

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Rob Thomas

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10:17 AM, 15th November 2019, About 5 years ago

I'd be the first to criticise Shelter when they attack PRS landlords but here they are only attacking B&B landlords who rent accommodation to the council for emergency accommodation and from what I've seen much of this property is sub-standard.

Of course Shelter is helping to create the problem in the first place by backing every piece of legislation that adds to landlords' costs or increases landlords' tax bills. But here they are calling for more social housing to be built and I agree that this country desperately needs more affordable social housing.

Mick Roberts

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10:38 AM, 15th November 2019, About 5 years ago

Shelter and Labours favourite words.
lining the pockets of unscrupulous private landlords,

Keep giving us uneccesary charges and legislation and we'll need more to line the pockets.


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10:48 AM, 15th November 2019, About 5 years ago

Reply to the comment left by Rob Thomas at 15/11/2019 - 10:17
Let's not forget that that there are some private Landlords who have converted some/all of their properties from long term lets to short term B&B, AirB&B, FHLs, etc., and in some cases offering the properties to LA's as temporary accommodation.

Sometimes even corporate LLs:

Frederick Morrow-Ahmed

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11:32 AM, 15th November 2019, About 5 years ago

Reply to the comment left by Binks at 14/11/2019 - 15:58

Well, there has been a concerted effort over the last half century to dumb down the populus. I mean a populus reared on Strictly, Big Bruv, et al - what can one expect?

I don't have 'telly' at home, do not pay any licence fee. Anyone who does is guilty. Scour the internet for your news and entertainment - before that too gets taken over. In the 1950s and 60s we learnt Latin and classics at school. Helped develop an enquiring mind, besides grounding us in the foundations of European civilisation.

terry sullivan

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12:05 PM, 15th November 2019, About 5 years ago

no--shes a leftie trougher as was predecessor

Simon Williams

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12:10 PM, 15th November 2019, About 5 years ago

It's the local authorities that enter into the contracts with private landlords for the supply of emergency B and B accommodation. It's also the local authorities that have the very extensive legal powers to deal with "unscrupulous" landlords. So why would a local authority contract with such landlords? Do they just throw out the rule book when it comes to B and B accommodation? I doubt it.
The simple reality is that it is intended to be emergency accommodation, so inevitably not suitable for the long term needs of the people concerned.
Also if the private sector B and B's are so bad, let the local authorities set up their own. Or why not Shelter?

Appalled Landlord

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12:41 PM, 15th November 2019, About 5 years ago

The press release is also incorrect where it claims “However, these figures illustrate the huge gap between DWP funding, and the amount councils need to house homeless households.” 

The £1.1 bn total and the £344m for B&B are NOT the gap between DWP funding and the amount councils need.

The table in the notes for editors shows that the gaps are £280m and £115m respectively.

The headline of the press release (not shown in the article above) is also incorrect: “Homelessness crisis costs councils over £1bn in just one year”
In fact the cost to councils is about a quarter of that.

So the press release is a pack of lies.

If only Shelter had someone who cared for the truth.

Dylan Morris

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13:03 PM, 15th November 2019, About 5 years ago

“If consecutive governments had built the genuinely affordable social homes that are needed, fewer people would be homeless, and we would not be wasting vast sums on unsuitable temporary accommodation”. Polly is correct but fails to explore the reason for this which is Right To Buy. Why would government build social houses when they lose it so quickly to the tenant under RTB. For example, a tenant can purchase their council flat after only 3 years of occupation with a 50% discount !! So why on earth would the government build more social housing, what’s the point. Instead of bashing landlords Polly needs to smarten up and start campaigning for the end of RTB. Unfortunately though she won’t, as she’s not capable of joining the dots. (Neither are the Labour party who want to extend it to the private sector).

Frederick Morrow-Ahmed

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13:12 PM, 15th November 2019, About 5 years ago

Reply to the comment left by Dylan Morris at 15/11/2019 - 13:03
You have hit the nail on the head

terry sullivan

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13:14 PM, 15th November 2019, About 5 years ago

stop and reverse the invasion--most problems solved

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