Good tenant exchange?

Good tenant exchange?

10:53 AM, 28th September 2018, About 6 years ago 3

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A friend who lives in South London is separating from his partner after a considerable time and although he is a middle-class, educated and solvent man in his fifties he is finding it difficult to secure a decent Flat against young couples with dual income etc.

He picked my brains and it occurred to me that with this on-line community being as strong as it is, there may be room for cross-referrals in circumstances where we are confident of an individual’s credentials such as a great tenant relocating for work purposes etc.

Incidentally in case anyone on here can help with the situation that triggered this thought, my friend is looking for a one or two bed Flat around East Croydon or anywhere nearby with good transport links up to around £1100 / £1150 PCM.

Many thanks


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Neil Patterson

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10:55 AM, 28th September 2018, About 6 years ago

Hi john,

This is a more positive idea than a bad tenant register 🙂

However, these sorts of systems costs thousands to set up and I can't see the economies in scale of take up being there over and above what letting agents do.

Robert M

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12:29 PM, 28th September 2018, About 6 years ago

They already have this for social housing (Council and Housing Association properties), it is called a "Mutual Exchange", see for details of how this works. However, I am not aware of anything similar for tenants of private landlords.


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12:37 PM, 28th September 2018, About 6 years ago

A positive initiative! Could be something added to the new landlord association that's being put together?

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