Property owners wasting money on energy bills

Property owners wasting money on energy bills

10:04 AM, 21st June 2011, About 14 years ago 4

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Almost half of Britain's property owners are wasting at least £100 on energy bills every year

New figures have revealed that almost half of Britain’s homes do not have adequate basic insulation and as a result, are wasting at least £100 in energy bills every year.

Adequately insulated lofts and cavity walls help to cut down energy leakage and therefore energy bills.  However, the latest lagging statistics show that only 57% of Britain’s lofts have been properly insulated and only 58% of cavity walls have been filled.

With the Coalition Government putting pressure on energy companies to increase the help they offer to property owners, a total of 3.5 million homes are set to benefit by December 2012 as a result of a tougher Carbon Emissions Reduction Target.

Around 479,000 professional insulation measures have already been installed, and with over three million further homes expected to be treated by the end of 2012, this will average more than 140,000 insulation measures a month.

Chris Huhne, Energy and Climate Change Secretary, said:

“At a time when money is tight and with energy prices predicted to rise, householders are missing out on over £100 of savings every single year by not getting their lofts lagged and cavity walls filled.

“We are making energy companies do more to help their hard pressed customers, with another 3.5 million households set to be protected against higher bills by the end of next year.”

People who want advice on insulating their home should call the Energy Saving Trust on 0800 512 012 to find out about the latest local offers on insulation that are available.

To help even more people transform their homes, the Government’s Green Deal will start next year. Households will be able to invest in home improvements at no upfront cost and repay through savings on energy bills.

The scheme will involve an extensive range of energy efficiency measures including installing insulation, replacing leaky windows, or upgrading inefficient old heating systems to the latest high-performing models.

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11:56 AM, 21st June 2011, About 14 years ago

Lets hope the Green Deal is efficiently managed as well as energy efficient. When I qualified in 2010 for a grant on another scheme I was told I would have to wait at least 3 months for an assesment of work and indefinitely for the work to take place. For the energy I was wasting it was cheaper to go and buy the loft insulation and a ladder and do it myself. Maybe not a professional job but the impact was apparent even so.

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11:12 AM, 9th January 2013, About 12 years ago

Aside from uninsulated lofts floors and walls, 25 percent of a home's heat loss is accounted for poorly glazed windows. Having them double glazed is the best way to stop this. You can visit our website and read about the benefits of having your windows double glazed.


Mark Alexander - Founder of Property118

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12:15 PM, 9th January 2013, About 12 years ago

Spam or sales opportunity?

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17:35 PM, 10th January 2013, About 12 years ago

A LL will NOT bother with DG unless forced to by EPC requirement and then the 'Green Deal' will pay for them!
DG takes about 10 years to pay for itself, not taking into account the immediate undoubted amenity value of DG.
Normal windows are better to be repaired and then obtain heavy curtains; far cheaper invarably.
Also DG units seem to have a propensity to 'blow', defeating the whole object of the exercise!!
Though a lot of LL would state DG was the start of their mould problems!!

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