Liverpool Landlords Call to Arms

Liverpool Landlords Call to Arms

7:36 AM, 31st May 2016, About 8 years ago 9

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Last week I hosted a very successful meeting in Southport about the sham that is Liverpool”s Selective License scheme. Liverpool Landlords Call To Arms

Liverpool Council have refused to acknowledge that the Information commissioner stated that some of the conditions within their landlord licensing application form breached the DPA.

In my opinion, Liverpool Council are holding signed forms which they should now return together with an amended form for completion and resubmission.

I also believe their License conditions are flawed and that their failure to issue some licenses despite having had 14 months to process them put Liverpool Council in clear breach of the Housing Act 2004.

I suggest that every Liverpool landlord now demands that Liverpool returns all their signed forms and send them a new one to complete with amendments to the declaration which must be compliant with the Information Commissioners warning letter to them in respect of breaches in the Data Protection Act.

I also ask all landlords across the UK to email the Communities Department to demand that they urgently intervene to review the serious flaws in the landlord licensing scheme being operarated by Liverpool Council. This request is to all landlords, those in Liverpool and those who may consider investingin the city.

Please send your mails to

The issue today is in Liverpool but it could be your issue and in your area tomorrow. Let us show these arrogant bullying Councils that we will not tolerate their law breaking or worse their flawed licensing schemes which would so easily result in being prosecuted despite having complied with the law to the best of our ability.

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18:29 PM, 6th June 2016, About 8 years ago

Please can you explain the benefit to me of asking for my submitted form back and filling in a new one? one form is bad enough so not really tempted by doing it again!!

Larry Sweeney

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14:16 PM, 8th June 2016, About 8 years ago

Jon, Everybody needs to request their form back and demand a new compliant form. This new form cannot be signed agreeing to Illegal conditions ie their ASB clause which falls foul of the de regulation act. Liverpool will have to go back to square one, or scrap this fraudulent revenue raising scheme.


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13:35 PM, 14th June 2016, About 8 years ago

Hi. We received an email from LCC on Friday instructing us to complete the second stage via the online application. The email has flaws. None of the hyperlinks at the base of the email worked. I emailed the licensing department. No comment on the faulty email. Asked further questions relating to issues you have raised and requested updated TC's. Apparently they have been updated but as yet not available. I urge anyone with property in Liverpool to delay applying until the updated terms are published and analysed. They seem desperate to move the scheme forward regardless of obvious failings both technical and legal. If there are further flaws anyone is aware of for us to challenge please share in order we can all tackle them together. Regards A

David Turner

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6:51 AM, 15th June 2016, About 8 years ago

The same happened to me - even if I tried to open the guide on the website it would not open. I know at least one other landlord had this problem so it must be endemic. You could not reply to the email because it said "All emails will be deleted unread". In the end I sent a new email to LCC (fully expecting to be totally ignored) and received an attachment including the step by step guide which seems to have some kind of glitch in it because there are misspellings all over the place! Don't think its my computer. Also I wondered has anyone requested their forms back as suggested and what response have they got from LCC?

Larry Sweeney

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21:09 PM, 15th June 2016, About 8 years ago

In Response to MP and Mr Turner, I have on several occasions requested the illegal form which fail to comply with the DPA, back from Horrific Council, I have received no response, I have also requested new compliant forms and new conditions which will not put us in breach of the deregulation act and again no response. No landlord should engage with this body which refuses to admit wrongdoing and attempts to push us in to illegality with their flawed rubbish scheme.

Luke P

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19:44 PM, 16th June 2016, About 8 years ago

Reply to the comment left by "Larry Sweeney" at "15/06/2016 - 21:09":

I really do wonder what they are actually going to do.

It looks like they're trying to ignore things at the minute, but surely they can't bury their heads forever...

Luke P

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11:52 AM, 19th July 2016, About 8 years ago

Have you seen this nonsense from the RLA claiming credit...

Sean G

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14:09 PM, 8th August 2016, About 8 years ago

Reply to the comment left by "Larry Sweeney" at "15/06/2016 - 21:09":

Hi Larry,
Liverpool Council has set a deadline for Part 2 of the application to be completed by the 18th August 2016. Emails have been issued this week.
They state in their email: "If your completed application and payment is not received by 18th August 2016, your application will be cancelled and you will have to submit your application again. You will then not be able to legally serve a s21 Notice on your tenant, during the period from when your licence application is cancelled, until you re-apply." It seems unreasonable to prevent being able to serve a Section 21 whilst an application process is still progressing some 17 months after the Licence should have been in place!

What is the latest status of the stance against the Council on the Application process?

Joe Gervin

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17:49 PM, 19th October 2016, About 8 years ago

Reply to the comment left by "Jon Bourne" at "06/06/2016 - 18:29":

Agree Jon. We have completed hundreds of applications for our Liverpool properties and really it is just a joke. Big Brother has well and truly arrived!

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