Is it time for a Landlord Equality Bill?

Is it time for a Landlord Equality Bill?

9:19 AM, 27th January 2025, About 3 weeks ago 26

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It’s time to demand a landlord equality bill, where landlords are not discriminated against, with our character assassinated by a government that is making things worse for tenants.

Discrimination takes many forms but financial discrimination is S24 where landlords are treated more harshly than any other business.

The ridiculous claim that tenants are not responsible and contributors for many of the issues like damp and mould need to be addressed.

An energy assessment system that works and isn’t based on false and incorrect assumptions should also be adopted.

Recognition that non payment of rent is tantamount to theft, and in many cases more stressful, as landlords are open to repeated thieving.

A recent court case awarded a tenant £5000 for illegal eviction when they owed £17,000 in rent. Such laws need to be changed to bring a balance as this can’t be seen as equitable.

The Bank of England should be brought to book for raising interest rates to double its own affordability rules. Then, instead of supporting people with borrowings, they scrapped their own affordability rules and allowed lenders to feast.

Lenders have created huge problems, like The Mortgage Works, by raising interest rates to more than 8% in a so-called SVR after deals end. Equality would prevent them from hiking rates by more than, say, 2% or the current BoE interest rate.

Many landlords go through hell when they are up against difficult tenants, the pressures often appear unbearable. A support system needs to be made available with fair and fast resolution.

These are just a few of the current inequalities that come to mind.

Can the Property118 community think of any more inequalities?



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9:58 AM, 27th January 2025, About 3 weeks ago

I'm in

Wendy Prince

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10:16 AM, 27th January 2025, About 3 weeks ago

Reply to the comment left by David at 27/01/2025 - 09:58
Me too!

Disillusioned landlord

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10:20 AM, 27th January 2025, About 3 weeks ago

Been saying this for ages! If the system was equitable and fair, then both good tenants and good landlords would benefit.

Alas, such utopia only exists in dreams. Enough said!

James Mann

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10:37 AM, 27th January 2025, About 3 weeks ago

Very well put and would support any action to prevent discrimination against private landlords especially those housing providers who run their businesses as proper businesses and are treated unjustly like investors.


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10:47 AM, 27th January 2025, About 3 weeks ago

An equitable system would make sense, meaning they'll never allow it !

anthony altman

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10:50 AM, 27th January 2025, About 3 weeks ago

We have gone way beyond discrimination the attack on landlords and their families is HATE CRIME at it's worst

Northern Observer

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10:54 AM, 27th January 2025, About 3 weeks ago

Unfortunately what you are suggesting is a common sense approach, something our politicians are sadly lacking and so will never happen.

Downsize Government

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11:06 AM, 27th January 2025, About 3 weeks ago

There definitely needs to be balance.

Section 24 is an outrageous arrangement! You can be taxed on a loss. I am sure some government will remove this or start applying this to other businesses. In NZ they got rid of the equivalent.

Non paying tenants are not thieves, they are non paying creditors. So they should be treated as such. The problem comes from not being able to remove them from the property for non payment. Any other service would be able to withdraw provision for non payment.

In regards to the landlord who illegally evicted a tenant who was in deep arrears. He should suffer consequences for breaking the law. But the law is wrong, there should be a viable eviction route.

I disagree on restricting lenders as you advise. These are the financial equivalent of rent controls which I suspect you disagree with.

The problem with your goal is the politicians are not interested in your equality or balance. They don't like you.

Gary Lloyd

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11:22 AM, 27th January 2025, About 3 weeks ago

At last an article that highlights the discrimination and generalised vilification of private landlords, endorsed by both political parties, housing charities and the media. I have been mentioning the discrimination element on a few landlord blogs for a while now.


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11:46 AM, 27th January 2025, About 3 weeks ago

A well written article , With regards to TMW SVR how did borrowers locked into 8-9 % heavy adverse rates .
Also why do BM solutions and Lloyds bank no longer speak to their Buy to Let Mortgage Borrowers apparently you have to use a broker.
The Farmers are taking action against Inheritance tax at 10 % . Whilst Landlords that house millions of people can be facing 70-80 percent tax , and so far we have taken no action.
All we want is to be treated equally with other business which will be of benefit to us and our Tenants .
The Renters Reform Act will cause mass homelessness. I accept someone will live in the Property but what is the plan for the dispossessed

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