Do tenants have the right to speak at leaseholder budget meetings?

Do tenants have the right to speak at leaseholder budget meetings?

0:01 AM, 28th January 2025, About 3 weeks ago 3

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Hello, I’m part of a block of leasehold flats with 51 units. Some flats are owned outright by residents, while others are rented either directly through family or via agents.

At a recent Budget meeting, a tenant (renter) voiced an opinion and was rudely and belittlingly criticised by a leaseholder. I have a few questions:

I have a few questions:
1. Is there a rule that a tenant (renter) cannot attend a Budget Meeting?
2. Is there a rule that a tenant (renter) is not allowed to make comment or have an opinion. ( I realise they do not have a vote regarding the spending of the Service Charge)?
3. Is there anywhere online, I can get detailed advice on how to deal with such situations?

Many thanks in advance,


Editors Note: Budget meetings are organised for leaseholders, as they are financially responsible for service charges and building maintenance. Tenants do not have a legal right to attend these meetings unless explicitly invited. However, some resident associations or management companies may allow tenant participation, depending on their policies.

More information can be found on the Leasehold Advisory website here

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Steve Rose

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10:16 AM, 28th January 2025, About 3 weeks ago

I think some of your terms need clarifying.
I am in a similar position: our building is owned and managed by a company in which 13 of the leaseholders are shareholders. In a quirk when the company was set up, I am the only Leaseholder that isn't a shareholder.
Some of the Leaseholders (including myself) sub-let our flats to sub-tenants.
As a non-shareholder, I have no right to attend the company AGM. However some years I have been allowed to, so long as I don't speak or vote. (This was because they inevitably discussed leaseholder issues at their AGM. As a Leaseholder, I am entitled to participate in such discussions)
All Leaseholders are entitled to attend and participate in Leaseholder meetings, but sub-tenants are not. However a Leaseholder may send a representative to act on their behalf.
Your best source of information is the Leasehold Advisory Service.


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17:09 PM, 28th January 2025, About 3 weeks ago

To first enquiry the ‘renter’ should address complaints to renters landlord ie the leaseholder from whom they rent.

The second enquiry relating to a quirk (!) and the LH denied legal rights.

Depending on whether the man co was set up before leases first assigned and a party in the lease is an RMC and if not it is a RTM.

Also whether limited by guarantee or limited by shares. If LBG a members register on lease assignment an act of entitlement is amended and if a share a new certificate.

The duty to maintain a formal member or share register falls upon directors.

Act of entitlement 1st step is lease assignment and 2nd step is directors maintenance of the register.

1. Specific request on basis of being the lessee
2. Based on company Articles
3. Court order or perhaps threat letter to directors by solicitor then court order


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9:08 AM, 1st February 2025, About 2 weeks ago

Only leaseholders or shareholders are entitled to attend unless a proxy has been formally appointed or they were invited by the board on the basis of particular expertise or interest e.g. family. On what basis was the tenant present?

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