Is Covid-19 really affecting HA’s capacity rates?

Is Covid-19 really affecting HA’s capacity rates?

10:48 AM, 6th November 2020, About 4 years ago 5

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Just had a HA/charity give me notice on a house used by them to accommodate up to 6 single people in separate rooms with shared facilities. (The house is in Birmingham which has always had a need for single person housing)

The reason is, they are suggesting, is down to Covid-19 and them not being able to fill all the rooms to make it viable.

I’m wondering if others that let to HA’s/charities are finding the same? I would have thought due to Covid-19 there is more need, or am missing something here?

I am wondering if worth approaching other HA’s/charities or contacting the Council direct to get it re-let once the current HA hands vacant possession over in early Dec?

Thoughts anyone?

Reluctant Landlord

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Robert M

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11:59 AM, 9th November 2020, About 4 years ago

Sounds like there is far more to it than what you are being told.

There is a huge demand from genuine supported housing providers and I see no reason why this would have diminished. However, I'm also aware that, in Birmingham particularly, there is a crackdown on landlords/companies/registered providers (RPs)/agents that are supposedly providing supported accommodation through arrangements with registered social landlords (aka, registered providers), as in some instances the registered provider is then not providing the support.

Sometimes the set up is very convoluted, with respective terms and liabilities unclear, and there could also be a "management agent" in between the owner landlord and the RP, and sometimes the RP themselves will contract out the "support" provision to an external agency, which makes it even more confusing as to who is liable for what.

I believe that Birmingham City Council is challenging a number of RPs over these arrangements, and this will then impact on the financial viability of these schemes. Some RPs operating in Birmingham have recently been removed (de-registered) by the Regulator of Social Housing.

All of the above may be totally irrelevant to the RP you have been dealing with, but whatever the reason for them no longer wanting your property, just accept this and move on. If approaching other RPs/charities, then be aware of the potential pitfalls mentioned above, and make sure you have everything (all eventualities) covered in your lease agreements.

Reluctant Landlord

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11:24 AM, 11th November 2020, About 4 years ago

Reply to the comment left by Robert Mellors at 09/11/2020 - 11:59
You are a wealth of info - I only wish my properties were in your area! I have been trying to contact Housing Associations directly to see if they want the property but most only want to rent out their own properties and not take on any private LL's houses.
The Council are trying to totally go back to their 'old' system of acting as a liason between tenant and LL by incentivising a LL to take on a benefit/council list tenant directly - but I am afraid their 'incentives' take a lot to be desired and ever more unpalatable in the current situation where I could be stuck with a nightmare tenant for ages...
Ideally I want a new Registered Provider instead that can use the property to its full potential. There is a vast need for accommodation (emergency/temp/longer term) for Domestic Violence for example. The previous charity used it for a sort of halfway house for people just out of prison etc and it worked well. (and my that I mean they did managed it fantastically never an issue with any of the tenants and neighbours/ASBO problems etc as there was always a care worker in an out most days)
Sourcing such providers are not as easy as you would think though! I have approached Bham Council to ask if they can give me a list of the current RP's that they use and are happy with so I can contact them directly but they are being very sheepish indeed and not giving out any names as they dont want to 'recommend' anyone. I get the impression that they either sub out willy nilly and have no idea who is good/bad/indifferent or just don't care. From my perspective that's worse than useless as now how to I ensure when I find a provider they are any good themselves? There are lots of companies out there saying they provide accommodation for LA's etc but how can I check? If I can't get any detail from the people who give these RP's the larger housing contracts, where the hell do I start?

Robert M

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11:44 AM, 11th November 2020, About 4 years ago

Reply to the comment left by WP at 11/11/2020 - 11:24
I could not recommend or vouch for anyone in your area, but I do know some people who provide accommodation for supported housing in Birmingham, so I could put you in touch with them if you wish. It would be for you to do your due dilligence and ensure you are happy to deal with them of course. Contact me direct if you would like these details

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Karen M

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6:41 AM, 12th November 2020, About 4 years ago

Reply to the comment left by WP at 11/11/2020 - 11:24
I asked my local council for a list of RP's they deal with under the Freedom of Information act. Full list of 27 supplied.

Reluctant Landlord

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11:39 AM, 13th November 2020, About 4 years ago

Reply to the comment left by Karen M at 12/11/2020 - 06:41
ooohhh more info Karen please! How do I do that? Which department do I need to send this to at the Council so it actually gets seen and done? is there a form I need to fill in first or do I just quote I want to see the list under
the FoIA?

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