Introducing The Property Podcast

Introducing The Property Podcast

22:36 PM, 3rd July 2013, About 11 years ago 10

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As a property investor, you probably spend a good chunk of time driving, and sitting at your desk doing mind-numbing paperwork. Instead of just listening to Radio 4 (or your local dubstep pirate station – we’re not judging), wouldn’t it be great if there was a radio show all about property that you could tune into?

That’s why we created one, called The Property Podcast – “we” being Rob Bence from RMP Property and Rob Dix from Property Geek.

You’ll find our latest episode embedded at the end of this post – with the content courtesy of a certain Mark Alexander. Mark was kind enough to write a guest post for us explaining a framework for solving any property problem, so on the podcast we explained the framework and gave some examples of how to make use of it.

So what exactly is a podcast?

A podcast is like a radio show that anyone can create, and they’re all listed on iTunes. You can listen to them at your computer, but they’re at their best when you download them to your phone or iPod for listening on the move.

The Property Podcast is now being downloaded over 20,000 times every month, and is consistently one of the five most popular business podcasts in the UK. It has 72  five-star ratings on iTunes, and we get emails every day from listeners who say it’s helping them to get ahead in property.

We’ve heard from people who’ve listened to The Property Podcast while feeding their baby in the middle of the night, while walking the dog, and even in the dentist’s chair! One listener told us he’d listened for five hours straight to catch up on old episodes – a form of masochism we’d not necessarily condone…

How to listen to The Property Podcast

We publish a new half-hour episode every Thursday morning. In each show we focus on a specific topic of the week, share a favourite resource, and look at one of the news stories that’s caught our eye. We aim to give practical advice to newbies, but with plenty for established investors too – with time to spare for a lot of bad jokes.

The easiest way to listen to The Property Podcast is to subscribe on iTunes using this link. That way every new episode will be automatically downloaded, and synchronised to your iPod or iPhone. Or, if you prefer, you can just listen on our website.

Start listening now!

Check out our episode inspired by Property118 founder, Mark Alexander (see below) then leave a comment letting us know what you think or join our mailing list to be notified about future episodes.

Property PodcastWe’re looking forward to having you on board!

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7:44 AM, 4th July 2013, About 11 years ago

Is it possible to subscribe to the service and have links sent to our computers via an email attachment.
I don't have anything ipod and intend to never have anything apple.
Far too expensive.
I use android.
But it would be helpful to receive emails advising of the next podcast with a link to hear it on a PC.
I think there is opportunity for a property podcast channel paid for by ads.
I would listen to all sorts of property people discussing things and I wouldn't object to ad breaks if I get the content for FREE.
Such communication could be a way of educating LL and tenants and all people involved in property.
There are so many industry professionals that aswell as banging their own drums could contribute so much to the education of LL etc.

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8:45 AM, 4th July 2013, About 11 years ago

Fantastic Idea chaps
As a person who dislikes Apple as a business I refuse to use I Tunes. When will this be available on other mobile platforms
Keep up the good work

Rob Dix

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9:36 AM, 4th July 2013, About 11 years ago

Hi Paul, it's the other Rob from The Property Podcast here!

If you want to get a weekly email notifying you about new episodes, you can join the mailing list by signing up at We just send a single email every Thursday morning when a new episode goes up. You can then click through to listen on your PC at the website, either by streaming it or downloading the file to listen later.

You might also be interested in my other podcast - - where I interview lots of people in different areas of property.

Many podcasts do go down the route of having sponsors or ad breaks, but we're happy doing it without payment because it's good fun to do anyway 🙂

Rob Dix

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9:40 AM, 4th July 2013, About 11 years ago

Hi Alan, glad you like the idea!

You can listen to the podcast on any platform, or even directly from the website. I don't own any Apple products, but we just talk in terms of iTunes because it's what most people are familiar with.

If you want to listen on Android, you can just put the RSS link ( into whatever podcast app you use (Doggcatcher, Podkicker etc) and it'll work exactly the same as it does on iTunes.

It's also on Stitcher and in the Blackberry store.


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18:26 PM, 4th July 2013, About 11 years ago

Why would any self respecting UK landlord want to listen to some crazy Yank for 30 minutes? I switched him off within seconds of hearing that voice!

Mark Alexander - Founder of Property118

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18:32 PM, 4th July 2013, About 11 years ago

Anon - LMAO! He has got quite a cheesy drawl hasn't he?

Funnily enough my wife said something very similar as we listened to the Podcast for the first time this morning when I drove her in to work. If you'd have given it a few more seconds though you would have heard a far more familiar British accent, North West England I'm guessing Rob?

Rob Dix

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18:34 PM, 4th July 2013, About 11 years ago

Anon - if you'd made it past the first 30 seconds you would have been accosted by a crazy Scouser instead 😉

Looks like we'll have to ditch the cheesy voiceover guy...I was becoming quite fond of him.

Robert Bence

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18:35 PM, 4th July 2013, About 11 years ago

Paul and Alan thanks for your comments, great to have you both listening!

Anon, the "Crazy Yank" is only on for the first 10 seconds he is then followed by two crazy Brits for the remaining 30 minutes 🙂

Mark Alexander - Founder of Property118

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18:40 PM, 4th July 2013, About 11 years ago

Maybe you should employ somebody from Babe Station or the likes to do your intro's for you Rob? Then again, you may get millions of listeners switching off when they hear you guys LOL

If you like my idea and need any help with the interviewing .......

Robert Bence

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9:41 AM, 7th August 2013, About 11 years ago

If you're enjoying The Property Podcast and The Property Geek Podcast you will be happy to know there is a new podcast dedicated to property news.

Property News Radio is a podcast show giving you all the property news and analysis you need in less than 15 minutes each week.

You can listen to it here

No cheesy intro either!

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