The courts discriminated against me just because I’m a landlord?

The courts discriminated against me just because I’m a landlord?

0:01 AM, 12th September 2024, About 4 weeks ago 18

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In the UK we rely on a justice system to be fair and equitable, but hope not to use it. I am sad to report more evidence of law driven discrimination against landlords.

Whilst a landlord is responsible for their property, the tenant’s right to a quiet life trumps this and tenants can deny a landlord access with impunity for things like repairs and inspections. This week to my cost I received the final outcome of a rent tribunal case taken against me by my tenant. The court results are jaw dropping and confirm the tenant can set a lower rent by dilapidating the property.

In this case, the tenant failed to advise me of issues in the property and denied me access to inspect despite repeated requests from me to do so. Instead the tenant made an application to the rent tribunal service claiming the rent was set too high. The tribunal
assessment has taken 9 months to complete and it feels like jaw dropping deliberate discrimination against me the landlord.

The tribunal has discounted the rent for dilapidations seen in its inspection, even when the court knows the issues have not been reported to me and I have been denied access to inspect or fix. The ruling effectively gives authority for the tenant to damage a property, eg cause a leak, damage items or even fire damage – really anything.

Keep the landlord out of the loop and deny them access, but invite the tribunal to assess the rent based on the property condition they have caused. Even though the tribunal knows the landlord has been denied the opportunity to fix the items and that no reports of issues are made they deduct rental payments for each item.

Therefore if a tenant wants a cheaper rent they simply have to trash the property and have the tribunal visit. The tribunal acts to keep the landlord out of his property taking instruction from the tenant. On the tribunal inspection the tenant will reap the benefits of their handiwork by having their damage assessed as rent reductions. The tribunal will then go on to effectively fine the landlord through rent reduction.

Bravo British justice, I hope you sleep well. I know as landlords we don’t. What can we do as landlords to stop the courts from discriminating against us?



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Cider Drinker

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7:58 AM, 12th September 2024, About 4 weeks ago

I sincerely feel sorry for your predicament.

What can we do?

Well, sleep well knowing that you are the better person for a start.

You could appeal the decision. Not sure if this would succeed in two tier Britain. If you do appeal, choose a good solicitor. I’d be calling an eviction specialist for advice.

Then, there’s always karma.


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9:29 AM, 12th September 2024, About 4 weeks ago

To my knowledge the tenant is liable for damage if they're intentionally withholding access for repairs. I would not engage any court or tribunal until either the repair is complete or you have a documented defence for the repairs. Do this quick and go s21 before it's too late.


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9:43 AM, 12th September 2024, About 4 weeks ago

Please please give the key details which should be in this post.

We need to know the rent and the reduction amounts. Is it a rent of £1000 a month and has been reduced by £25? Or has it been reduced by £300.

Then detail what repairs should be carried out according to the court.

You cannot produce stuff like this without the details. It is tabloid journalism.

It may well be the situation is not really that bad or it may well be terrible. Clarify please


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9:58 AM, 12th September 2024, About 4 weeks ago

I am sorry to hear of this injustice but I am not surprise.

This smacks of what used to happen with sitting tenants before we had section 21.

There would be a visit from the rent officer who would take into consideration even the most miner improvement that the tenants told him that they had made to the property just so they could keep the rent low but if you were the landlord and had done even major improvements you would be awarded only a small increase in rent and then it would be phased in over a period of two or three years.

We very soon realised that taking it to a tribunal was a waste of time because all they ever did was to rubber stamp these unrealistic rents.

Downsize Government

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10:07 AM, 12th September 2024, About 4 weeks ago

We have a justice system, but it has been perverted and you cannot expect any justice. (See poor rates of rape conviction, non prosection of shoplifters and burglaries not investigated). Only the government can expect justice, when people rise up against this system all of a sudden the justice system works overtime to quell them.


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11:05 AM, 12th September 2024, About 4 weeks ago

The answer = sell up and let them deal with it.

Nicholas Van Hoogstraten

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11:22 AM, 12th September 2024, About 4 weeks ago

i doubt very much that tenants are deliberately setting fire to their homes and smashing water pipes with a view to taking landlords to a rent tribunal. sounds to me like they weren't getting value for money so they went by the book to get it lowered.

Nicholas Van Hoogstraten

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11:25 AM, 12th September 2024, About 4 weeks ago

Reply to the comment left by Downsize Government at 12/09/2024 - 10:07
the landlord revolution is coming. this is the biggest civil rights movement since the end of apartheid, and if anything, even more important. we hear so much about "human rights" but never "landlord rights". seems like it's one rule for humans, another rule for us

Cider Drinker

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15:21 PM, 12th September 2024, About 4 weeks ago

Reply to the comment left by Nicholas Van Hoogstraten at 12/09/2024 - 11:22
Maybe you’ve never dealt with tenants like this. Some of them know the rules and plays the system to their advantage. The situation described above is entirely plausible.

Reluctant Landlord

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16:15 PM, 12th September 2024, About 4 weeks ago

Reply to the comment left by Nicholas Van Hoogstraten at 12/09/2024 - 11:22
and you think is a reasonable way to react when tenants feel they are not getting 'value for money'? Seriously?

There will always be tenants take the pi$$, game the system and cause good landlords trauma, the hope is that they all end up being housed by the bad landlords and the karma goes full circle...

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