Should landlords get an EPC now or wait for new regulations?

Should landlords get an EPC now or wait for new regulations?

9:38 AM, 15th October 2024, About 4 months ago 34

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Hello all, like everyone I dreaded telling my tenants that their “forever home” might not be forever due to the antics of Ed Miliband and co. I even had a comment to that effect read out by Nigel Farage on GB News last week.

Bravely I decided to get my EPC’s redone sooner rather than later. One went up a staggering 7 points. I had done nothing in the 5 years of owning the flat. The second went up 10 points making it a C. All I had done was replace a 20 year old boiler. The third stayed the same.

The advice I got from the EPC man was that their system is changing next March and that may bring a whole different set of results.

So folks the conclusion I draw is get an assessment now, if there is a “cheap” fix do it. If not get another EPC done under the new regs next April. What do others think?

The EPC is cheap in comparison to anything else one might contemplate.



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Ross Tulloch

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13:12 PM, 15th October 2024, About 4 months ago

I have just done 3 properties again, 3 years ago they were C and again C much to my amazement. Hoping they bring in new legislation to start when the current cert runs out, not suddenly for all now


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13:26 PM, 15th October 2024, About 4 months ago

Reply to the comment left by Ross Tulloch at 15/10/2024 - 13:12
I c!

Mick Roberts

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16:47 PM, 15th October 2024, About 4 months ago

I'll put this below I'm gonna' post the same on a few relevant articles & hope someone gets this to some boffin in power somewhere:

What if tenant was living in warm, no damp at all, 30% cheaper than market rent property?
And she already had latest boiler, windows, doors, kitchen etc.?
That was EPC D?
And she was perfectly happy?
And she's just decorated her living room gorgeous?
And Govt comes along & says we got to rip out all your nice decoration u just done.
Gonna' tread over all your new carpets.
5 builders in your home of 20 years for 2 weeks.
Make your house smaller.
But you will save £10pm gas bill.
And u will then be EPC C.
But it's gonna' cost your Landlord £10,000.
And that cheap rent you got, he not be able to afford you that any more, it's gonna' cost you £3000 per year more to bring in line with market rents.
Ooh & you gonna' get mould & condenstion next year cause this 1920's house wasn't made to be sweated up with all this internal insulation.
But we the Govt will look good to the voters as can say We are making loads of houses EPC C.
Ooh sorry we din't realise your Landlord din't want the house anyway, only keeping for you, and this last straw has pushed him over the edge & he's now gonna' sell to make u homeless-Look on bright side, Council will put u & 5 kids in one room in hotel that will be EPC C & Council (well Taxpayer) will pay the £3000pm to the hotel group.
Am I Einstein or are Govt & Council's thick? Has anyone been to ask the tenants who HAVEN'T GOT A PROBLEM what they would like?

David Lawrenson

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17:00 PM, 15th October 2024, About 4 months ago

Reply to the comment left by Mick Roberts at 15/10/2024 - 16:47You are not thick and neither are they, but they don't answer to you, nor to tenants, nor to the British people.
They are all more comfortable in Davos (Stahlin even said so) and the global eite billionaires making huge moolah from the climateageddon nonsense have set the media off believing this claptrap as the Real Science (TM), just as with covid lockdowns and the so called "vaccines".
And people watching the idiot box believe it all, even as they huddle together in their one room BnB dump, having been made homeless by private landlords who felt obliged to give up and chuck it in - the constant assaults on their business being too much to take for many of them.

Fed-up Landlord

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20:19 PM, 15th October 2024, About 4 months ago

How convenient that the deadline is 2030, a year after they are sure to have lost the election.
This way they can say it was another party's fault for it not becoming law. As always they can blame their own decisions on others.
Personally, I'm doing nothing. If all goes well, I'll be totally out of the sector by then

C McErlane

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20:32 PM, 15th October 2024, About 4 months ago

RdSap10 - not yet out!
Intended to prevent fraud ( over egged! )

Epc- data input collection Software required to lodge

Natural Gas -Space heating / hot water "main heating!" your rating will stay "AS IS"

Electric Only - Space heating / hot water! eco7/comfort plus/ dual electric METER
your rating will go UP( +3 to 5) sap points

Electric KwH rate is being rolled back to 2012 rates !!

RdSap10then indicates electric over gas

But is still massively inefficient and Expensive/ MAD!?

Intended to indicate=
ASHP over replacement NEW CONDENCING BOILERS "gas"


Chris McErlane

Desert Rat

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4:07 AM, 16th October 2024, About 4 months ago

The majority of my houses are a C but I've been getting a few expired ones redone over the last year and a few where I've done all the affordable upgrades and brought them to a C.

I've 4 more expired ones to get redone this year and will see how they go.

It's better for me to get them redone while someone is living in the property as I don't live close by.

They are currently a D but once again they have had all of the sensible upgrades done, so hoping that they will make a C.

2 D's to go that have current EPC's, so will see what happens to the others before I pay out for these

I've 1 very small 2 bed semi detached that is a D68. It's already got all of the affordable upgrades done, I or the assessor have no idea how its not come up as a C. It's now expired, so may look at using another assessor with different software to see if can scrape another point. Only difference is another 100mm of loft insulation.

It's the 1 house that I don't want to sell as I used to live there and would be happy to move back in at some point in time.

If I can get all houses with new EPC's up to a C now I'll be happy as by the time they expire I will be ready to sell them all and retire.

Sadly, I have 1 tenant that is a mirror image as what Mick Roberts describes.

I tried to sell her the house a couple of years ago and the offer still stands.

She wanted to redecorate in different colors, it had been redecorated a couple of years earlier before she moved in.

She insisted of paying for it.

If the government force me to sell, I will repay her the money that she paid to have it redecorated.

Mark C

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8:40 AM, 16th October 2024, About 4 months ago

I've said this before. EPC's are at best an indication and at worst a rip off. When I bought a flat for myself the EPC said something about a gas boiler, which was interesting as the flat was all electric. I invited the assessor, through agent, to reconsider the EPC which he did and the gas boiler disappeared!
Ed Millibar also said that houses that do not meet the C requirement will not be able to be let.. I see this as an opportunity to wait until the government make my tenants homeless, so I don't have to S21 them!


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9:01 AM, 16th October 2024, About 4 months ago

I , new boiler installed , internal and external insulation installed...
New EPC came Back same as before "C" ..just slight higher ratings ...the officer said only new build get higher than C ?

Chris Brown

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10:06 AM, 16th October 2024, About 4 months ago

Reply to the comment left by SteveFowkes at 15/10/2024 - 10:27
But to whom are they selling?

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