Landlords urged to undertake regular inspections as tenants break rules

Landlords urged to undertake regular inspections as tenants break rules

9:57 AM, 9th January 2024, About A year ago 9

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A survey has revealed that 83% of landlords in the UK have experienced breaches of their tenancy agreements by their tenants.

The research is from Direct Line and the insurance company is now urging landlords to inspect their properties more frequently to avoid potential issues.

According to the survey, the most frequent breaches are related to the cleanliness and maintenance of the property, with 36% of landlords reporting this problem.

Another 29% said that their tenants failed to inform them of things that needed repairing.

‘Property inspections shouldn’t feel intrusive for tenants’

Direct Line’s landlord product manager, Sarah Casey, said: “Property inspections shouldn’t feel intrusive for tenants and are all about building good relationships and keeping an eye out for any emerging issues.

“Early intervention can often stop these from developing into a bigger problem that requires landlords to take further action.”

She added: “Landlords should also make sure that tenancy deposits are held in a government-approved tenancy deposit scheme to help cover costs if, for example, the tenant leaves the property in a filthy state, has broken furniture or removed property supplied by the landlord.”

Tenancy breaches revealed by landlords

Other common tenancy breaches revealed by landlords involved damage or alterations to the property, pets, smoking/vaping, redecorating without permission and causing nuisance to neighbours.

All these breaches were reported by more than a quarter of the landlords surveyed.

The survey also revealed that only 55% of landlords conduct property inspections every six months, while 21% do so only once a year.

A further 10% said that they only visit their properties at the beginning and end of the tenancy, and 14% said that they visit less often or only when they suspect a problem.

The importance of regular inspections for landlords

Direct Line highlights the importance of regular inspections for landlords but also having a clear and comprehensive tenancy agreement that outlines the rights and responsibilities of both parties.

The survey found that the most common sanctions for tenants who break the rules of the tenancy agreement are deductions from their deposit (38%), written or verbal warnings (32%), and paying for the damages or work (28%).

Other actions include not returning the deposit (26%), evicting the tenant (23%), and making them rectify the issue (23%).

For more help and advice about landlord insurance, contact the team at The Home Insurer:

Landlords Buying Group Insurance Renewal

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Chris @ Possession Friend

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11:36 AM, 9th January 2024, About A year ago

Tenants braking rules ? - I've never heard of any such mention by DLUP or Renters Reform.

Is this something Direct Line should be making politicians aware of !


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12:07 PM, 9th January 2024, About A year ago

Reply to the comment left by Chris @ Possession Friend at 09/01/2024 - 11:36
Tenants breaking rules is not what they want to hear about.
As my Mum used to say "they are deaf in one ear and can't hear in the other" especially as there is an election on the horizon.

Ian Narbeth

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14:18 PM, 9th January 2024, About A year ago

If 83% of landlords breached the rules, I suspect we would be told that 5 out of 6 landlords were "rogue" landlords.

As any fule kno, there are more bad tenants than bad landlords.

Come on Govey, call out the bad tenants.

Michael Booth

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16:14 PM, 9th January 2024, About A year ago

Good luck with that one , tenants complain that you are stopping their enjoyment of the property which l may add is a legal right of a tenant.

Cider Drinker

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21:02 PM, 9th January 2024, About A year ago

You can ask for access to inspect the property.

If the tenant refuses, you have the choice of letting it go (but increasing rent as soon and as often as possible) or issuing Section 21 (at the moment, at least) or Section 8 (discretionary grounds).

‘Letting it go’ is by far the cheaper option and is the option that most landlords would choose.

Chris @ Possession Friend

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22:05 PM, 9th January 2024, About A year ago

Reply to the comment left by Cider Drinker at 09/01/2024 - 21:02
If a tenant won't give access, - there's a reason ( and it won't be good news for a landlord ! )

I would never just let it go without some measures that re-asserted the hierarchy of authority.

To do otherwise breeds contempt for their obligations under the Tenancy agreement.
And landlords will know, there's a plethora of implications against landlords for any breaches of the tenancy agreement they may make, intentional or otherwise.

Frank Jennings

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9:22 AM, 10th January 2024, About A year ago

This is typical of Direct Line insurance. They are just telling you the many many ways they wont pay out if you make a claim. I had my flat with them, and my car. When the roof leaked after a big storm, they said no pay out because I didnt maintain my roof. When my car got stolen and trashed they gave me less than half the market value of it.
I realised then, that's how they offer insurance so cheap, and are able to advertise on TV so much. They avoid the pay out, with excuses when you make a claim. When they do pay out, it's much less then it should be.
When you complain, they give you the "take it or leave it" response.
I'll never use Direct Line ever again. They are cheap for a reason.
I feel that if you inspected every month, they would say you needed to inspect every week, and if you inspect every week, they will say you need to inspect every day!
Any excuse to not pay out is their policy it seems. I moved insurance company and pay more, but they are a reputable company and are Brilliant.

Cider Drinker

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13:13 PM, 10th January 2024, About A year ago

Reply to the comment left by Chris @ Possession Friend at 09/01/2024 - 22:05
I agree that the landlord should do something. However, I would stop short of spending good money chasing the problem unless I had other concerns (in addition to the lack of access for non-mandatory inspections).

Ros poldermans

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11:09 AM, 13th January 2024, About A year ago

Reply to the comment left by Frank Jennings at 10/01/2024 - 09:22
I keep away from companies that advertise a lot : they tend to be problematic

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