Dear Polly Neate of Shelter – I agree with you!

Dear Polly Neate of Shelter – I agree with you!

9:43 AM, 25th September 2023, About A year ago 29

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Dear Polly Neate,

It’s not possible to contact you directly as you, (Shelter), don’t allow contact through your website unless it’s to complain about a nasty landlord.

(For clarity, I’m a landlord with a small portfolio and I look after my tenants – indeed, they are happy to rent from me)

I would also point out that whilst I count myself as a good portfolio landlord, my annual income is far less than your salary and I’m supporting renters by renting homes to them which you are not. So who’s really helping the homeless?

However, for once I agree with you, (partially), or rather your manifesto. We do need more social housing, but 90,000 a year won’t cut it. You’ll need a lot more than that. But that’s as far as I can go. More regulation is totally unnecessary. There is already enough legislation available to deal with rogue landlords, but the councils won’t use it. Any additional regulation / legislation will only penalise the good landlords who are supplying good accommodation already because they’re the only one’s who will comply. And that only causes rents to go up in the first place.

You could have a go at some of the biggest social landlords of course who are patently ignoring the Housing Ombudsman and the number of notices they’ve been handed for failures to comply, but I guess we’re an easier target.

Whilst you’re screaming blue murder for all the people being made homeless every 10 seconds, you completely fail to acknowledge the vast majority of good landlords supplying good accommodation to good tenants.

Landlords do not evict tenants who are non-abusive, pay their rent and generally fit in with the local community. When you do your, (obviously unbiased), surveys to all the poor tenants, why don’t you add the data regarding the reasons they’re being evicted? What percentage of evictions are to law-abiding, rent-paying, neighbourly tenants?

You’d be taken far more seriously if you stopped your crocodile tears for all these poor souls who are being treated so badly. Perhaps you could even donate some of your vast salary to a homeless organisation? (I wouldn’t donate to Shelter though – they don’t actually supply any housing to anybody.)

Thank you,


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10:45 AM, 25th September 2023, About A year ago


Sheridan Vickers

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10:47 AM, 25th September 2023, About A year ago

Richard, how brilliant. That is a wonderful letter. Shelter have £48.2million revenue and just keep taking money for never housing anyone. Your post is spot on and accurate. Yes Polly Neate earns £122,500 a year for doing nothing.


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11:21 AM, 25th September 2023, About A year ago

Well said

Graham Turrell, Landlord & Entrepreneur

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11:31 AM, 25th September 2023, About A year ago

Got it in a nutshell! Well said, great response.

john thompson

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12:30 PM, 25th September 2023, About A year ago

Well said, that's pretty much what I was thinking of writing to Polly with the same points. But you managed to be much more polite than I could have managed to be.

So well've saved me the trouble and that over paid, ignorant, hypocritical, dozey b##t some blushes!.?

Kate Robarts

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12:34 PM, 25th September 2023, About A year ago

Bravo, Richard! 100% in agreement with you.

Dennis Leverett

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12:43 PM, 25th September 2023, About A year ago

Excellent, can't wait to see a response but highly unlikely to be based on any fact but plenty of fiction if you actually get one. I did contacted her many moons ago when she first joined Shelter. Thanked her for her excellent work with the womens thingy, can't remember name of, hoping she would be as successful with Shelter. Must have been dreaming, but I did get a nice response very quickly which basically said nothing. Searched for the e mail but must have deleted at the time.


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12:48 PM, 25th September 2023, About A year ago

‘Make a donation to Shelter and help end the housing emergency’.

How do they get away with this ridiculous, emotion-pricker?

Donations to Shelter only serve to pay their own (huge) salaries and create misguided publicity stunts to fund Social Media advertising.

Tony Johnson

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14:07 PM, 25th September 2023, About A year ago

Section 21 is not a revenge evictio and the tenants requirements ate irrelevant because they're leaving at your discretion.

Only when sec 21 is abolished can they try this.

Sec 21 allows you to terminate without reason ergo there is no need for any refurbishment.

Tenant could only use this against a rent increase.

Old Mrs Landlord

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17:50 PM, 25th September 2023, About A year ago

Reply to the comment left by Tony Johnson at 25/09/2023 - 14:07Tony, you are making the basic mistake of trying to respond to Shelter's usual emotive twisted logic, one-sided case studies, extrapolations of tiny cherry-picked samples and distortion of statistics with truth, facts and sense. Once Shelter's press releases and social media missives are out there the damage has been done and anyone who attempts to put the landlords' side or balance the narrative to show the full picture doesn't stand a chance. It doesn't help that the BBC's kneejerk reaction to any housing story is to seek comments from Shelter, with only occasional recourse to the NRLA, whose responses, we later learn, are often savagely edited.

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