Weakened government u-turns on digital tax return plans

Weakened government u-turns on digital tax return plans

9:40 AM, 14th July 2017, About 7 years ago 2

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Commenting on the Government’s decision to U-turn on its controversial Making Tax Digital Programme, Richard Lambert, Chief Executive Officer at the National Landlords Association (NLA), said:

“We are pleased that the Government has finally listened to the concerns raised by the NLA on behalf of landlords who would have been dragged into a system of tax reporting rushed into being before they or it are ready.

“While we have always supported simplifying the tax system, we were concerned by the issues raised by the Making Tax Digital programme, and welcome the changes announced by the new Financial Secretary to the Treasury Mel Stride MP, as they address exactly the points we’ve been raising since the initial announcement.

“However, rather than being evidence that the Government is willing to work with the industry, this has come about because they no longer have the majority to push through such controversial plans”

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14:14 PM, 14th July 2017, About 7 years ago

Do the NLA think the government is listening to them, I think not. Is it a U turn or only the back burner now so much is going on? When and if things settle it will be back on the list, along with rent controls.

Sec 24 are they listening? Anything to fill the pot with more and more regulations, and licensing with the spin it is for the Tenant. Well rents have been going up (be increasing mine shortly) and My most expensive mortgaged house on the market last month, more to follow after Christmas unless THEY start listening, and using their brains instead of going along blindly with these proposals.

Write tour local MP ( I did ) and get an underling to reply for him stating the mantra, LEVEL PLAYING FIELD,,etc, etc. There doing OK thank you.

Once asked the Council for help with a destructive & anti-social behavior tenant, or I would have to evict the HB claimants. They said they could not get involved and they didn't until i gave a sec 21, they advised the tenant to stay and wait for the bailiffs.

It was ok with them that I lost rent, had to refurbish, and dump cr-p left behind, also pay rates on the empty house which took time to do up and find a Private Paying family. MP,s just keeping their heads down and don't have a clue about the less well off, they haven't had to live like it.


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12:19 PM, 17th July 2017, About 7 years ago

Earlier in the year (when G Osborne was still in post) I was talking to someone who was in the Chancellor's advisory circle.

Two of his comments were "If you invest in real estate, pay the tax and suck it up" - regarding the additional SDLP.

Also regarding SDLP (but presumably also relating to Section 24) "the money is rolling in" (to the Treasury).

So no, I don't think they are listening, or are likely to listen to us unless it suits them.

ps: I also wrote to my MP. I expect that the letter I got back was exactly the same as yours.

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