Tenant 6 months behind in rent?

Tenant 6 months behind in rent?

0:01 AM, 7th August 2023, About 2 years ago 6

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Hello, I have a tenant who is 6 months behind in rent.  To my shame and embarrassment, I’ve only just noticed as it is a block of flats and I own them all so the bills were still being paid. I noticed there wasn’t as much money in the account as I expected yesterday and checked the account. Then the full horror of the situation became clear. It’s about £3k and another £675 is due this week.

It seems she’s lost her job and now has her head in the sand. I suspect there are lots of other debts too.

Her grandparents are trying to help her. It seems she has a track record of this type of thing but this is the biggest problem so far. I’ve spoken to them and they seem reasonable people but retired and not loaded. I feel like I need to treat them gently as I don’t want their offer to evaporate.

Her 12-month AST has run out and is now a rolling monthly tenancy. I suspect she’s not bothered about her credit rating.

Grandad has agreed to pay £2,250 after negotiation and said we could keep the deposit of circa £700. But for that, we’d need to close the matter and she’d need to move out. We agreed 10 days for her to be out.

I’ve agreed to this so we could cut our losses and re-let the flat quickly.

I understand she can only really go to her mums but they don’t get on. Grandad has told me that mum also has a track record of financial irresponsibility and they’ve bailed her out plenty in the past.

Importantly she needs to agree with this. I can’t seem to contact her today just want to know what the best option is.

Any advice much appreciated,


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Mike Thomas

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9:43 AM, 7th August 2023, About 2 years ago

The offer by the grandparents is most reasonable, as you avoid the costs of litigation, further arrears of rent, and will in all likelihood will rent the flat at a higher rent.

I would make the agreement in writing, receive payment, and agree a date for vacant possession.

Simon M

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10:48 AM, 7th August 2023, About 2 years ago

That's a great offer from the grandparents. While you're getting it in writing, think about what you can do to get your tenant to encourage her plan for the move out. For example, I'd ask Granddad to help her make the arrangements - he'll see she avoids getting into further debt.

David Houghton

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15:27 PM, 7th August 2023, About 2 years ago

So let's get this straight, she hasn't agreed to anything? Just grandad's word. Which may be sincere but not binding. Serve S8 and s21 notice. Enforce the latter

Russell Cartner

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18:45 PM, 7th August 2023, About 2 years ago

You will be a very lucky person if this works out and if it does serve a Sec 21 Sec 8 straight away. PRS is stuffed best to get out while you can


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19:19 PM, 7th August 2023, About 2 years ago

As already stated you have agreed nothing. Get the offered arrears paid from the grandparent asap and serve eviction notice. Any verbal agreement is just that and should she not adhere to this you pretty much stuffed. Also suggest you have a better system for notification of unpaid rent!


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17:45 PM, 9th August 2023, About 2 years ago

If she agrees, get her to sign a deed of surrender with an independent witness on the day she leaves.

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