More ads for people looking than ads for rooms available

More ads for people looking than ads for rooms available

10:39 AM, 11th October 2021, About 3 years ago 2

Text Size is reporting that there are currently more ads on its platform for people looking for rooms than there are for rooms available, and they say this is only the third time this has happened on their platform in the last six years.

Spareroom said: “With people finally able to move, and others re-entering the market after moving back in with their parents during the lockdown, competition for rooms is fierce.”

“Last summer there were plenty of rooms on the market and hardly any people looking to move. Now, with lockdown over and most restrictions easing, it’s a totally different picture.

“Not only are people moving again, but London is also seeing the mass return of overseas students for the first time in two years.  Add to that the thousands of young people who moved home for lockdown and are now ready to re-enter the market, and it’s not really surprising that competition for rooms is fierce right now. On top of that, supply has dropped compared to last year.”

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11:57 AM, 11th October 2021, About 3 years ago

I hear that the above is causing rents to rise and Agents arranging 'bidding wars.' More grist to the mill in terms of vilifying landlords. Oh well, not to be cynical, but once the thousands of evictions go through which were delayed due to Covid (and I am awaiting one myself, due to deliberate non payment) then more properties will be available. As for the people who are evicted - nobody seems to give a s#*t about them, and many are in that position due to no fault of their own and little help from the government which has not even considered loans to help both landlord and tenant such as exist in Scotland and Wales, as well as other countries.

Rob Crawford

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13:06 PM, 18th October 2021, About 3 years ago

I often use spare rooms to look for tenants and often find candidates still advertising after they have found some where already. So not sure how acurate these numbers are!

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