Miliband’s Folly on EPC Ratings for Rented Properties?

Miliband’s Folly on EPC Ratings for Rented Properties?

0:03 AM, 31st December 2024, About 2 months ago 6

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Ed Miliband’s prohibitions on landlords renting out properties with an EPC rating of C by 2030 cannot succeed because:

Too many older rental properties cannot be brought up to that standard for under £50,000 making it unaffordable for many landlords

There are insufficient heat pump engineers to do the work between now and then.

The costs of the work done would cause rents to rise for affected tenants unless alternative construction methods like HOF HAUS prefabricated and 3D printing are used to build the extra houses needed to increase supply.

As things stand there are shortages of construction workers (250,000) and shortages of building materials.

Government Ministers have no powers which enables one loaf of bread to be transmuted into 5000 to houses to be created out of thin air!


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10:46 AM, 31st December 2024, About a month ago

There are currently exemptions which will be carried over. Like costing too much to reach the required standards, or not being able to actually reach the standard. Landlords will be asked to do what they can to improve the efficiency of a property, and then the exemptions kick in.

Mick Roberts

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13:00 PM, 31st December 2024, About a month ago

Ed Miliband & EPC C making more tenants homeless

I'd worry too with Ed Miliband changing the rules again & making thousands more tenants homeless that were otherwise safe:

I'll put this below I'm gonna' post the same on a few relevant articles & hope someone gets this to some boffin in power somewhere:

I'll keep putting this on these articles, hope the right bafoon in Govt or Councils read it

Ed Miliband & EPC C making more tenants homeless

I'd worry too with Ed Miliband changing the rules again & making thousands more tenants homeless that were otherwise safe:

What if tenant was living in warm, no damp at all, 30% cheaper than market rent property?
And she already had latest boiler, windows, doors, kitchen etc.?
That was EPC D?
And she was perfectly happy?
And she's just decorated her living room gorgeous?
And Govt comes along & says we got to rip out all your nice decoration u just done.
Gonna' tread over all your new carpets.
5 builders in your home of 20 years for 2 weeks.
Make your house smaller.
But you will save £10pm gas bill.
And u will then be EPC C.
But it's gonna' cost your Landlord £10,000.
And that cheap rent you got, he not be able to afford you that any more, it's gonna' cost you £3000 per year more to bring in line with market rents.
Ooh & you gonna' get mould & condensation next year cause this 1920's house wasn't made to be sweated up with all this internal insulation.
But we the Govt will look good to the voters as can say We are making loads of houses EPC C.
Ooh sorry we din't realise your Landlord din't want the house anyway, only keeping for you, and this last straw has pushed him over the edge & he's now gonna' sell to make u homeless-Look on bright side, Council will put u & 5 kids in one room in hotel that will be EPC C & Council (well Taxpayer) will pay the £3000pm to the hotel group.
Am I Einstein or are Govt & Council's thick? Has anyone been to ask the tenants who HAVEN'T GOT A PROBLEM what they would like?

roger radford

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0:15 AM, 1st January 2025, About a month ago

There’s only one thing wrong with socialism: Socialists.

Robin Wilson

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8:44 AM, 1st January 2025, About a month ago

There will be an election before 2030.

But it might all be too late by then as the country is going downhill at a terrific rate of knots. The size of the socialist welfare state is killing this country. High taxes, low rates of growth and high debt.

And we, the electors, are to blame because we do not vote to get less money off the state.

Paul Essex

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13:07 PM, 1st January 2025, About a month ago

Just to add to all of this the government is currently 'consulting' on more ways to add to the basic EPC which will only make the situation worse.
If you feel it will make any difference please add your thoughts - the questions are however very skewed to get the answers they want!

Disgrunteld Landlady

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5:45 AM, 7th January 2025, About a month ago

Reply to the comment left by Paul Essex at 01/01/2025 - 13:07
I ignored their skews - one of my responses was let me know when Starmer has paid out the 28k to bring his up to standard.
Maybe when we all sell you can put the homeless in hotels, oh no you cant they are full of economic migrants.

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