Landlord repossessions rocket to a record

Landlord repossessions rocket to a record

12:02 PM, 11th November 2022, About 2 years ago 10

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Landlord repossession claims have reached a record level with increases being seen in all regions of England and Wales, the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) reveals.

The MoJ says that landlord possession actions have increased significantly in the three months to the end of September.

When compared to the same quarter last year, landlord possession claims rose from 10,202 to 21,012 – that’s an increase of 106% – and orders grew from 5,601 to 15,352 – a rise of 174%.

The figures also show that warrants have risen from 4,552 to 8,505 (87%) and repossessions from 4,891 to 5,403 (10%).

However, homeless charity Crisis says the government needs to act because renters are facing ‘huge uncertainty’.

Increases in possession claims have been recorded in all regions

The increases in possession claims have been recorded in all regions with most claims being concentrated in London – Brent had the highest rate.

The MoJ also highlights that the median average time from claim to landlord repossession has decreased to 22.3 weeks, down from 68.6 weeks in the same period in 2021.

A statistician for the MoJ said: “Private landlord and accelerated procedure volumes have surpassed pre-pandemic Covid levels with private landlord claims recording the highest level ever, this quarter.”

They added that orders and warrants of possession issued have followed similar trends to receipts – and are still below pre-covid levels but the numbers are steadily rising.

Warning that tenancy evictions will continue rising

Crisis, the homelessness charity, is warning that tenancy evictions will continue rising as the cost-of-living crisis deepens and the court’s lockdown backlog is cleared.

The charity says that the Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, must increase housing benefits in next week’s Autumn Statement – and keep to a manifesto pledge to end no-fault evictions.

The chief executive of Crisis, Matt Downie, told the Independent newspaper: “With the number of claims by landlords looking to repossess their homes more than doubling, it’s clear that we need to act quickly.”

He added: “We must urgently put a safety net in place to help people who might find their tenancies ended at a moment’s notice.”

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Paul Essex

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12:29 PM, 11th November 2022, About 2 years ago

Just working through the backlog - typical 'charity' reaction though.

Reluctant Landlord

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12:46 PM, 11th November 2022, About 2 years ago

“We must urgently put a safety net in place to help people who might find their tenancies ended at a moment’s notice.”

Fact - understand WHY LL are giving notice. Rent arrears/ASBO etc? Then this is both moral, justified AND legal for a LL to do. Its PRIVATE PROPERTY!

Point 1 - S21 gives tenants TWO months notice.

Point 2 - and if they don't leave it takes months after that to secure possession...

Hardly a moments notice....


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14:10 PM, 11th November 2022, About 2 years ago

What !
Does Crisis think the Government can stop private individuals from selling their private property?
They have brought us to this abyss and are now looking into the cold darkness of homelessness , not for them with their well paid non jobs , but the most vulnerable in society, did they not think this through ? Or does it not matter as it will not affect them directly, hopefully the general Public will soon know the Truth ....


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14:16 PM, 11th November 2022, About 2 years ago

THE Truth always comes out eventually, shelter ,crises ,gen rent ...

Frank Jennings

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8:27 AM, 13th November 2022, About 2 years ago

Well I guess homeless charities have to justify their existence somehow. If there were no homeless, then there would be no need for charities like Shelter etc.
Complaints to the govenment and media, gives them great exposure and increases their funding. The executives of these charities have to justify their enormous salaries some how, and Landlord bashing is a real earner for them, and the politicians.
Make the LL the bad guy, and show the population via the media how they are going to "crack down" on Landlords and force them out of the PRS. The media love it too, creates a great story line, evil wicked Landlords, how dare they charge a rent to poor helpless tennants. Look how the Landlords are going to be punished! So many homeless people that those wicked landlords refuse to house. They are all greedy mean and vile landlords that must be punished for providing housing that's not fit for people to live In. Etc. Etc. Etc. It sells the news papers!
As the government have this great whipping boy, (the landlord), to punish they dont have to explain why they havent built the houses required for the nation, or why they are putting these boat immigrants in to hotels, at the tax payers expense. In fact they dont have to explain anything, because they just have to blame the landlord in the PRS for everything, and that is accepted and believed by the general public. Happy days!
Nice Job!

Anne Omissi

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9:47 AM, 13th November 2022, About 2 years ago

Increase housing benefit? Seriously? Then make it a legal requirement that it is paid to the landlord. Current tenant, in receipt of £700/month housing, has paid no rent (rent not increased for 4yrs) in 2022. Section 8 issued Feb 2022. As of today (13/11/22) we are still awaiting repossession.

Simon Foster

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11:24 AM, 13th November 2022, About 2 years ago

Maybe the Government should Reinstate tax relief allowing mortgage interest to be set against rental income?
Landlords wouldn't then be forced to sell or repossessed.

We want the Government to reinstate the ability of landlords to set the full amount of mortgage interest against rental income, before tax is calculated.

If you would benefit please sign and share the following Government Petition.

We need 10,000 signatures to make a difference.


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12:51 PM, 13th November 2022, About 2 years ago

Reply to the comment left by DSR at 11/11/2022 - 12:46
It's never 'just a moment's notice' tenents don't pay rent and are protected. We get no protection from our mortgage lenders when we fall behind with payments. Landlords aren't responsible for tenants going homeless, they are for making sh!tty choices with their money. I had a tenant that always stuggled with money for rent but always had money for pot...speaks volumes about her priorities.

Frank Jennings

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11:41 AM, 14th November 2022, About 2 years ago

Reply to the comment left by Thepissedofflandlord at 13/11/2022 - 12:51
I had one Tennant many years ago who when I asked why he hadn't paid the rent for a few months his reply was," It was simply not a priority of mine". He seemed convinced that was a reasonable reply, and continued to promise to pay, even after 6 months of not paying and the Bailiff was at the door. His wife had left him but he still wanted to live in a 3 bed house, on his own, and not pay any rent.
Some tenants just dont get it. If you rent anything then you have to pay the rent. It's that or pay the mortgage. Either way, nobody gets a free ride, unless their family is already very rich, or an MP/EMP. The alternative is cardboard city, or a tent. Far too many free loaders in the UK, supported by the over burdened tax payer. No wonder the UK is £3T in debt.

Jonathan Sandford

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13:05 PM, 14th November 2022, About 2 years ago

We are getting now several properties that are being sub let by our tenants on GumTree !!!! Got a feeling it’s only going to get worse unfortunately:(

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