Councils appeal to private landlords to help with housing crisis

Councils appeal to private landlords to help with housing crisis

0:01 AM, 31st January 2025, About A week ago 31

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Two councils are urging private landlords to collaborate on initiatives to help find homes for homeless people and families in their areas.

Mansfield District Council has launched a scheme to partner with landlords to reduce homelessness.

The aim is to help those who are registered as homeless and currently in temporary residences – a report reveals that there has been a big jump in demand over the last three years.

The council will pay rent deposits and initial rent payments.

There’s also a partnership with RentGuarantor which, the council says, will offer landlords security to cover rent and legal expenses in case of tenant arrears.

Unwilling to let to the homeless

Mansfield’s portfolio holder for housing, Coun Anne Callaghan, said: “Private landlords are often unwilling to let to people and families who are homeless, and many people are homeless and on our waiting list because they simply cannot raise the amount needed to pay a deposit for a privately rented property.

“Many also struggle to pay the first rent in advance because of the way Universal Credit pays benefits in arrears.”

She added: “What the Private Rented Access Scheme will do is enable us to work with landlords and create successful, long-term tenancies.

“The kind of homeless people we want to help ranges from single people to families.”

Promoting direct rent payments

Mansfield says there will be three check-ins during the first six months, focusing on tenancy management and promoting direct rent payments.

Financed with a £187,681 government grant, the scheme forms part of the council’s homelessness and prevention strategy with the year-long pilot scheme starting on 1 February.

Mansfield currently has 38 households in interim accommodation waiting for permanent homes and 4,598 people are on the housing waiting list with 173 being in Band One – the highest priority.

Exeter appeals for landlord help

Meanwhile, Exeter City Council is appealing to homeowners and landlords with vacant properties or spare bedrooms to help with the city’s housing shortage.

The council’s housing access team offers guidance and assistance to reintroduce vacant homes into the market.

Exeter’s lead councillor for housing, Coun Marina Asvachin, said: “We currently have a large demand for all types of accommodation in Exeter.

“We know that many properties and bedrooms are standing vacant in the city.

“Our vision is to create sustainable tenancies that work for landlords and tenants alike.”

The council says it is offering attractive financial incentives, including upfront cash, deposits, advance rent and continuous support for both landlords and tenants.

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9:44 AM, 31st January 2025, About A week ago

My local council constantly bit***d about private landlords, accusing us of all "exploiting the poor" (according to one party) and then sent a begging letter to us, asking for our help with clearing council house list backlogs.
They have demonised and over-regulated us so much, that I wont be letting out ever again. Sorry, not sorry.

Mark C

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9:58 AM, 31st January 2025, About A week ago

Reply to the comment left by David100 at 31/01/2025 - 09:44
It’s not a surprise. I expect we will see more of this as landlords exit. Which council is this?
My local council accused me of running an unlicensed HMO and when I spoke to them and said if the tennant was sub letting then I would section 21 them. They panicked and said we could work together for a solution.
In the end it was nonsense. They had inspected the property found no evidence of multiple occupancy but a neighbour said they thought it was a HMO!
Oh and btw they had “discovered” this several months before but when then wrote to me I had to prove it’s not a HMO within 14 days…


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10:11 AM, 31st January 2025, About A week ago

"Mansfield says there will be three check-ins during the first six months, focusing on tenancy management and promoting direct rent payments."

Councils in England struggle to manage consistent and regular waste collections. Let's not get started with how they manage public funds either.

Some Councils have gone bust, many in special measures. The Councils at risk of losing seats have canceled May's elections... Partner with them at your peril!


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10:30 AM, 31st January 2025, About A week ago

Reply to the comment left by Mark C at 31/01/2025 - 09:58It was Belfast city council. They seem to have a war on landlords, new ridiculous regulations every year, and then have the nerve to ask our help?


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10:33 AM, 31st January 2025, About A week ago

Lets be clear here. If any of us were stupid enough to accept tenants from the council. Who do you think they would send us? Mr & Mrs Nice-No trouble OR Mr or Mrs Constant problem?
They will off load all their problems onto the private landlords, then fine you for not keeping them under control.
Its a no from me


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10:33 AM, 31st January 2025, About A week ago

I had a conversation some time ago with an inspector from a labour run london council.
He told me that he was the guy that went after bad Landlords but he seemed perplexed as to why landlords could not be persuaded to lease their properties to the council.
I told him that I thought that more carrot and less stick might help the situation.

Judith Wordsworth

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10:46 AM, 31st January 2025, About A week ago

"... help those who are registered as homeless and currently in temporary residences..."

Probably many of those in temporary residences are those that decent PRS landlords have had enough of renting to so why would any landlord want to take them on as tenants?

Even if not "problem tenants" the whole situation is of Local Authorities making. Instead of spending council tax money on crazy projects they should have been working with Housing Associations, as they were/are supposed to do, to house people. Housing Associations should also not, in my opinion sorry, be building for shared ownership but to house those who cannot afford to buy.
Glad to be virtually out of the PRS and I was one of those landlords who only rented to those on benefits who believed people should have a "home". Sadly many of my tenants did not treat their property as a "home", though in fairness they may have treated any property they lived in, whether they owned it or rented it, in that way.


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11:46 AM, 31st January 2025, About A week ago

The day of the landlord will come soon, meanwhile be sure to reject any council supplied tenant without a watertight guarantor agreement. This must see the council take responsibility for rent, damage, not only to the rental property but also to all adjoining properties, tenant behaviour and all losses incurred as a result of housing the tenant.

Thought not, but then why should we accept such a risk?


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12:07 PM, 31st January 2025, About A week ago

Some of theses homeless could be ex LLs who have been persecuted, harrased, destroyed by the authorities - I wouldn’t be surprised! I’ve had tenants so desperate they’ll take a place without even seeing it - and more! So much for the government helping tenants, errr I don’t think so! It’s not for me.

Julian Lloyd

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12:21 PM, 31st January 2025, About A week ago

Foxtrot Oscar

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