Buying a little extra land from council for my garden – Who do I contact?

Buying a little extra land from council for my garden – Who do I contact?

9:44 AM, 31st January 2017, About 8 years ago 3

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I have been reading this website for a while and found it extremely helpful! So I was hoping someone can may be point me to the right

I have an end-of-terrace ex-local authority house in outer-west London. Next to it there is a piece of land which is not used by anyone except that people keep throwing rubbish there (which the council’s cleaner then cleans every week).

I would really like to buy that piece of land as my garden is tiny and I have a child, and at the moment I have a small table and chairs in the garden which takes up all space, and the child has nowhere to play.

I have googled it and I know that some people did buy land in similar circumstances from the council in the past. I have contacted the council, but it seems no-one there knows who would be responsible for these things. I’ve tried planning, housing services, general reception – no one knows anything.

Does anyone have any advice who I can contact about this? I would be happy to use a solicitor or someone else for that, but again I need someone who is experienced in dealing with the council on these types of questions, and I don’t know where to look.

Thank you so much!

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Neil Patterson

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9:53 AM, 31st January 2017, About 8 years ago

Hi Natalia,

I found this from Dudley Council below as an example. I don't know who your council is but it is worth checking if they have a web page like it. >>

Common questions and answers for purchasing Council land or property.

The procedures below also apply to other land and property matters such as applications to: lease Council owned land, Wayleaves, Easements, Licences, Variation or Extinguishment of Covenants, Access Agreements, requests to site Builders Compounds and temporary use of Council owned land etc.

What happens if I want to buy Council owned land?

Firstly, the Council must decide if it wishes to sell or keep the area of land in question. This involves an internal process of consultation with Council Officers and Ward Members before a decision is made and before any negotiations can take place.

What do I do if I want to purchase Council owned land or property or wish to apply to the Council regarding another land and property matter??

Your application must be submitted in writing to Corporate Landlord Services, Place Directorate*, preferably with a sketch plan identifying the land/property, stating why you wish to purchase the land/property and its intended use, or what you wish the Council to consider, together with the non refundable administration fee. Please see the fee list and contact details provided. You may submit *your* application and plan by email if you would prefer. (top)

There are 3 different fees listed on the fees list. Which fee do I submit with my application?

If you require information from us before you decide to submit a full application, please put this in writing, together with a cheque for the amount of Fee 1.

Should the matter go forward for consultation by a Property Manager, Fee 2 will be payable before further work commences.

Should your application be for temporary consent to cross Council owned land to, for example, repair your boundary fence, please submit your application in writing with Fee 3.

All other applications will require the payment of Fee 2 before work can commence.

Method Of Payment of fees.

Fees can be paid by cheque at the time of submission of your application made payable to D.M.B.C and sent to Ms Linda Clift (see Contact Details) or by debit/credit card payment once all of the required information has been received by the Council to process your application. Credit/debit card payments will be taken over the phone by Ms Linda Clift and we can also call you to take the payment once a completed application has been received. Please note that an additional 1.2% charge is made if a credit card is used.

Please note that the Council may refuse any application to:

Purchase or lease land that is considered to be a corner plot within a Council housing estate.

Purchase or lease land that forms parts of Council tenancies.

Grant, extinguish or vary rights across land held for the Housing Revenue Account (HRA).

Grant, extinguish or vary rights reserved to the Council across privately owned property.

Enforce clauses within leases which seek to restrict the range of goods and use of shops sold or let by the Council and located in housing estates.

If you are unsure whether the matter you are interested in falls within one of the above categories, you may still make an application but you must submit Fee 1 with your application before it can be considered. Should you then wish to make a full application, a further fee of £359.70 (inc VAT) is required before we can proceed.

All fees are non refundable.

tasha ula

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17:50 PM, 31st January 2017, About 8 years ago

Neil, thank you very much! This is extremely helpful!

Mike W

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16:13 PM, 1st February 2017, About 8 years ago

I would also suggest contacting your local councillor, sending an email to the council CEO and making a freedom of information request.

Good luck.

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