Tenant has stopped communicating – what to do?

Tenant has stopped communicating – what to do?

9:16 AM, 11th August 2023, About 2 years ago 14

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Hello, Our tenant stopped lines of communication in March. We were communicating by way of email and text, occasionally we tried a phone call but she texted us and said use email and text as her preferred method.

It says on her contract we can email etc. Well, we served a section 21. The notice period expires 25 August when the tenant should be out. We’ve emailed final inspection date and time but, as predicted, we have received no response.

The property is only a few miles away.

My question is: should we call at the door and hand the tenant a hard copy letter of the inspection and maybe try to open lines of communication or just head down the court route?

This tenant is up to date with rent so far.

Thank you,


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Marie Lee

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4:47 AM, 12th August 2023, About 2 years ago

I have read all the responses and most apply to me, especially the 24-hour notice thing. There are several reasons why I, or an authorized person, want to gain entry. There is some damage which needs a surveyor's report for the damage, a workman to do the repairs and redecorate and an estate agent to carry out an initial inspection and valuation for the property.

Giving 24 hours notice has not worked, T never reads or replies to texts or answers phone calls from anyone, including me now (I did a test call with a couple of friends and he did not answer either call). Going there after giving 24 hours notice is no good either because he has changed the lock. Even if I did consider using my key I mean.

I'm going through the court possession process now and the hearing is next week but I am afraid that even if I win there will still be problems and T will stick it out until the bitter end and just leave when he feels like it and worse still I will have to break the door down.


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9:31 AM, 12th August 2023, About 2 years ago

Posting a letter by hand and posting it through the letterbox man's nothing without proof !
So you need a witness
Better to post with proof of posting.
Not recorded delivery as Tenant may well refuse to sign for letter.
When is the Gas Safe Check due ?
So text, email and write a letter.
Time for help from the experts who do this day in day out.
Nice guy on the TV Paul ???
On slum Landlords nightmare tenants TV programme


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12:21 PM, 13th August 2023, About 2 years ago

Issue an Abandonment / tort notice And take over in 2 to 4 weeks

Video and photo everything

There is no template for this.
Yet Abandonment is on the increase

Mohit Mehta

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16:32 PM, 12th February 2024, About A year ago

Hi Marie Lee, I'm in the same boat as the above - Can i ask how this ended up going, did you get your possession back and the time frame it took you to do so? I've applied to courts 8 weeks ago now and still have not got a court hearing date..

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