Tenancy Renewal Fees charged by Estate Agents

Tenancy Renewal Fees charged by Estate Agents

18:05 PM, 29th May 2014, About 11 years ago 3

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My estate agent found a tenant for me and sent me a bill for £1,000 plus vat for finding me a tenant. Tenancy Renewal Fees charged by Estate Agents

The following year the tenant decided to renew for another year. The agent then sent me another bill for £1,200 (incl vat) as renewal fee.

When I asked why the same amount had been charged, the agent said if the tenant would have left, I’s have had to pay same amount for finding a new tenant.

But …. I said …… the tenant did not leave but just renewed.

I find it difficult to accept- has anybody has any experience?



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Mark Alexander - Founder of Property118

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18:13 PM, 29th May 2014, About 11 years ago

Hi Sunil

This topic has already been discussed here several times before, please see >>> http://www.property118.com/?s=renewal+fees&submit=Search+Articles

The long and short of it is this:-

1) Is there a contract?
2) If so is it clear?
3) If there is no contract or the contract is unclear the agent will find it very difficult to make you pay these fees. The case law for this is OFT vs Foxtons.
4) If the fees have already been debited from your account or the rent you should seek professional advice about the prospects of recovery - see >>> http://www.property118.com/member/?id=1945

If you signed a contract which is clear about the fees then you haven't got a leg to stand on. What's fair isn't the same as what's legal.

You could have got the same service for as little as fiver - see >>> http://lettingagentsonline.co.uk/

I once compained to a solicitor that I had been charged too much by a company. They checked the contract and it was legal. I have a good relationship with that lawyer. What he said to me was quite funny .....

LAWYER - "was there office on a hill?"

ME - "yes why"

LAWYER - "because they certainly saw you coming.

I learned a very valuable lesson from that, and a bit of Latin too - Caveat emptor - Buyer Beware!

Mark Allen

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18:22 PM, 29th May 2014, About 11 years ago

The costs sound ridiculous...£1200 which presumably could be on a 6 month let, therefore £2400 per annum.

Where are you letting?


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18:56 PM, 29th May 2014, About 11 years ago

You should have read the contract, if it is in there you should have crossed it out and replaced it with "Tenant find only, one off fee of £???+vat no further fees to pay,landlord to collect the rent, landlord to hold the deposit" thats what i do so its clear to them your not some sort of mug otherwise they will skin you alive with fees. Also at the end of the say 12 month tenancy if the tenant wants to renew i get the tenant to renew with me or let it role onto periodic with no involvement from the agent. When the agent contacts me and the tenant about renewing i say no thanks ill deal with it. Also if there charging you £1000+VAT for a tenanat find you are being ripped off, you should have rung round and haggled the lowest possible fee, i pay agents £400+vat for tenant find WITH NO FURTHER FEES TO PAY! Although i have had agents try this on with me a few times previously and i have simply laughed at them and refused to pay it which did actually work but i guess thats probably luck. Its worth refusing to pay and see what they do first, unless they have taken it from the tenants rent (this is why you should collect the rent by standing order directly to you not the agent) Think you are just gonna have to learn from your mistake on this one!

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