0:02 AM, 27th January 2025, About 2 weeks ago 6
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First-time landlords are increasingly investing in northern England, capitalising on lower property prices and higher rental yields.
That’s according to Fleet Mortgages’ latest Buy-to-Let Barometer which reveals that 25% of mortgage applications in the North East came from first-time landlords.
Yorkshire and Humberside came next at 13%.
The news follows a survey by Simply Business which revealed that northern towns and cities are increasingly attracting new landlords.
Fleet’s chief commercial officer, Steve Cox, said: “There has been an underlying narrative played out over the last year or so, that the buy to let sector is functioning purely on the remortgage business of existing landlords, and there is little appetite from new or seasoned landlords to purchase more homes to rent out.
“Our latest rental barometer, particularly the growth in first-time landlord applications but also the much more even spread of purchase versus remortgage business, seems to indicate this is not truly the case, and instead, where the opportunity arises, landlords are very much looking to buy.”
He added: “This is clearly more the case in certain regions of the country, and it’s not surprising that where properties have lower values, but also where yield is very strong, we are seeing more purchase business from those with significant portfolios or those who are just starting on their landlord journey.”
Fleet also found that just 4% of applications in the South West were from new landlords – but it’s where most applicants already owned multiple properties.
Across England and Wales, applications from landlords with six to 14 properties rose from 30% in Q3 2024 to 34% in Q4.
The proportion of first-time landlord applications increased from 10% to 11%.
Fleet says the higher number of first-time landlords in the North is down to lower property prices and cheaper rents.
It says the North East boasts the most affordable rental stock with an average monthly rent of £706.
Landlords in this region also borrow the lowest loan amounts, averaging £77,000 per mortgage.
The barometer also highlights regional differences, including the number of landlords borrowing through limited companies.
In Yorkshire and Humberside, 91% of applications were from limited company landlords, compared to 60% in the South West.
The data also shows an even split between purchase and remortgage applications in regions like the North East, East Anglia and Greater London.
In Yorkshire and Humberside, purchase applications exceeded remortgages at 60% to 40%.
Conversely, in Wales, 71% of applications were for remortgages.
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Rupert Chapman
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Sign Up10:29 AM, 27th January 2025, About 2 weeks ago
This is many personal disasters waiting to happen.
This stock has one exit - rental.
The training companies told them the fundamentals :
Make money when you buy
Cashflow positive
Have multiple exits.
Buying into low income demographics means the likelihood of rent arrears is much higher.
A boiler costs the same for £450 of rent as for £1200 of rent.
A round trip will cost at least two weeks rent.
The local authorities will have them for breakfast on fines for damp, mould etc. From experience, I vowed never to have anything to do with Durham County ever again.
The ambulance chasers will tell the tenants to complain and stop paying rent after the RRB is passed.
Sorry to appear negative but this really is the worst investment scheme ever.
Ok- apart from Milana Meme coin.
Retired banker
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Sign Up11:02 AM, 27th January 2025, About 2 weeks ago
Reply to the comment left by Rupert Chapman at 27/01/2025 - 10:29
Couldn’t agree more. All I’d add, as a former BTL policy strategist for a major UK player is that this smacks of desperation to lend as it’s difficult to envisage a worse asset and covenant combination.
dismayed landlord
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Sign Up11:09 AM, 27th January 2025, About 2 weeks ago
This is excellent news for tenants in the north. With such a positive increase in new BTL landlords their housing crisis will be averted.
Along with an understanding government and an intelligent approach to extrapolate these positive statistics to the south of England the housing crisis is solved.
Stephen Thompson
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Sign Up11:35 AM, 27th January 2025, About 2 weeks ago
Reply to the comment left by Rupert Chapman at 27/01/2025 - 10:29
Reluctant Landlord
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Sign Up15:53 PM, 27th January 2025, About 2 weeks ago
I presume these houses will be the back to back old solid brick built, eco money pits of the future?
Yields may be higher V the property purchase but factored in selective licencing, the RRB implications, referencing (probably these properties in areas where HB/UC is the only source of funding), EPC demands....etc etc
Seems like just as much a financial gamble if you are looking at retaining a decent PROFIT after everything else is accounted for, as putting the whole lot on a spin of a roulette wheel..
Reluctant Landlord
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Sign Up15:54 PM, 27th January 2025, About 2 weeks ago
Reply to the comment left by dismayed landlord at 27/01/2025 - 11:09