New Respect campaign launched for landlords

New Respect campaign launched for landlords

13:10 PM, 22nd June 2011, About 14 years ago

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The new Respect campaign for CIH

Landlords are to give a boost to tenants and their communities as hundreds are expected to sign up to the new Respect – ASB (anti-social behaviour) Charter for Housing.

The charter will offer more help, protection and guidance to prevent anti-social behaviour and to also deal with ASB.
It’s been launched by The Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH) along with the Social Landlords Crime and Nuisance Group (SLCNG) and HouseMark at the CIH annual housing conference in Harrogate. They consulted residents and housing professionals with a view to protecting what they call ‘vulnerable tenants’ and their communities.

Eamon Lynch, Policy Advisor at the SLCNG explained more on the charter: “Developed by expert practitioners, this new Charter embodies best practice from around the country. Landlords signing up to the Charter are making a highly visible and powerful commitment which will provide increased assurance to their tenants.”

Landlords are not forced to follow everything set out in the charter, but all which they can and see fit to. Overall, “The aim is for you to work with your tenants to understand what issues are important to them, and work towards ultimately achieving this.”

Sarah Webb, CIH Chief Executive, said: “This has been an excellent opportunity to work with key partners, housing professionals and tenant’s groups to set out a really outcome focused charter that is actually sector owned. We really hope that housing organisations embrace the new Charter and work with their tenants to shape truly excellent ASB services”

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