Need for repairs hindered by a challenging tenant?

Need for repairs hindered by a challenging tenant?

0:01 AM, 2nd April 2024, About 11 months ago 11

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Hi, I have a block of 10 small studios, all long term and lovely tenants – one of my lovely tenants has become tricky since his girlfriend moved in – his shower leaks into the studio downstairs, a couple of repairs have been made over the last couple of years as there was nowhere for him to go for a full renewal.

I’ve now offered him another flat in the building for a couple of weeks whilst I have the shower room fully refurbed – and I can then do similar for the flat downstairs that has suffered damaged from his leaks.

He ignored my first communication on this – a month’s notice – so we were down to two, and now wants a professional moving company, with insurance – he’s moving downstairs!

I had expected a few boxes and would give him a hand and he would still have access to his stuff just take what he needs, we’ve had a few emails back and forth and the last one from me was that as this is emergency works given the damage caused I would not be able to renew his contract and I would carry out the works then.

He has always been very much a minimalist so does not have a lot of stuff to move – but suddenly this is all going pear shaped and he’s talking about ‘valuables’ and ‘office equipment’ – I thought it was a great idea and I’d suffer likely a months lost rent on the other unit but two repairs done.

He has also written to say that the leaking shower predates his tenancy – which it does not, but an odd thing to write.
Always hoping that he will go, as he’s been a lovely tenant it’s just this new outside influence that sadly always happens, I should have said no to the girlfriend.

Do Property118 readers think carrying out essential repairs is a reason to not renew? I think I know the answer but would appreciate some input.



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9:23 AM, 7th April 2024, About 11 months ago

Oh dear is the girl friend on the tenancy?

Only had one similar incident in 25 years. Wonderful tenant quiet, slightly introverted, responsible suddenly turned rouge when new "girl friend" moved in and demanded to be put on the tenancy. She was not.
She turned out to b e a local prostitute plying her trade when he was at work. He of course disappeared when heavy pimp appeared. GF got thrown onto the street along with her possessions.

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