Naive Questions from Landlords?

Naive Questions from Landlords?

9:11 AM, 13th August 2014, About 11 years ago 63

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I was always taught that there are no daft questions and that being concious of ones own naivety is a step towards wisdom.

Mark Alexander

Last night I received an email from an established landlord who said he no longer wanted to receive our Newsletters as he felt the questions raised by forum members were naive, below his level of intellect, and that he felt Property118 was no longer for him.

This made me very sad because Property118 was created to share experiences and best practice so that we could all learn from each other. Nobody knows everything and by helping others and sharing experiences we can all learn something new and useful.

I’ve been in this business for 25 years and I still learn something new every day from comments posted on Property118 by other landlords. Some people have more experience than I do but I still learn things from the fresh thinking of newbies because they challenge my thought processes and keep my mind fresh. There are always new ways to deal with things and as the property market is ever changing and evolving, so is best practice.

This is an extract of what he said …..

“I also consider myself a professional Landlord and find some of the questions posted by some of your readers very naive and showing a very amateurish and cavalier attitude to the job that carries a great number of responsibilities. I simply do not feel I have much in common.”

He also said …….

“I feel that a lot of the responses go in the sense of pushing some various services (such as letting agents/ legal services such as Landlords Action) etc. This may be necessary for a number of amateur Landlords or people who cannot commit the time into the research and learning their job properly.”

I would be very interested to read the thoughts of other members on this.

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9:37 AM, 13th August 2014, About 11 years ago

I've only recently joined this forum, but read every comment on a daily basis, and thoroughly enjoy the read.
" you don't know what you don't know " I was told that by a long standing professional, and it's true.
So keep up the good work.

Jamie M

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9:39 AM, 13th August 2014, About 11 years ago

PS - He is right about 1 thing!
Too many articles pretend to be helpful and informative, but they are just crude pitches for their services.

sally lloyd

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9:40 AM, 13th August 2014, About 11 years ago

That is what is so fantastic about this site. is that you can ask simple questions without feeling embarrassed and ultimately save yourself a lot of mistakes/hard work and money as I have. I am sure that when he was a newbie he would have valued a site like this( he probably lost a few quid by being too proud to ask the simple stuff) and i hope as I get more experienced I will be able to give valuable input to help the next generation of newbies. I really appreciate the fact that experienced landlords share their invaluable experience. Thank you so much every one. Life isn't always about what you can get out of something it's also about what you can give.

Percy Vere

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9:44 AM, 13th August 2014, About 11 years ago

The World is full of Numb-Nuts and you will find them where ever you go and in all walks of life.
I too have been a landlord for just over 25 years now and from a greener-than-grass first letting landlord to where I am now, experienced yes, but you never stop learning in this business and you can still make mistakes.... even small ones... and I do.

The purpose of a Public open forum is discussion of relevant topics. If you don't want to read what is being said or discussed then don't read it!
If you have something to say then say it if you think it would help or you know the answer to the question being asked.
It is true that some poster's do not like some of the replies given but that is tough luck. It's an open forum.
Being a landlord is a tough business sometimes and requires a thick skin and straight talking.

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9:46 AM, 13th August 2014, About 11 years ago

As I said before, and I repeat again: with little or no professional help, a great many 118 members have created amazingly large property portfolios. I wonder how your whingeing writer's portfolio compares?

Yes it's true that accumulating wealth brings responsibilities, and yes many 118 members still have these to learn. But I would have thought one responsibility is for the more experienced to help others, not to denigrate their efforts and disappear into the night!

My own frustration is finding so many landlords without a trace of asset protection, and no real idea of what they should be doing, and VERY slow to take action when they do! But I don't pour scorn over them and leave them to the wolves. I stay, I try to educate and open eyes to what is possible. And where necessary I prod, push and disturb peoples complacency.

Perhaps your departing professional landlord needs his conscience prodding?

Garry Streeter

john lown

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9:46 AM, 13th August 2014, About 11 years ago

I am gratified to hear of someone who knows all, however, I believe you can learn something from everyone, regardless of their own perceived status.
As noted by others, even some seemingly mundane queries have a thread that becomes relevant.

Keep up the good work, and perhaps said hyper intelligent person will vote with his feet and leave more space for the professionals. I wonder at what age he became such an expert.
Lord John Lown.

Fred Jones

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9:57 AM, 13th August 2014, About 11 years ago

If that’s the case, I guess Property 118 isn’t the place for him, but it is for many other people who don’t consider themselves guru’s in the business.
I would however agree with some members using the site to offer their services to others. The site is supposed to be a none advertising site isn’t it? And supported by members donations.

Frank Coles

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10:07 AM, 13th August 2014, About 11 years ago

I worked in property in the early years of BTL and then left the country and worked in media. Now back in the country I am picking up where I left off some years on with BTL/Commerical/self financed and many of my questions are purposefully naive so that I can generate the obvious answers.

It's the obvious that we miss all too easily.

As a post I read yesterday about the six-month-rule-that-doesn't-exist-in-all-cases demonstrates, sometimes the knowledge that people have is merely received wisdom. Challenges are required.

If you don't want to read something you don't have to, it's that simple. It's a shame though. If someone has that much experience then surely they'd have something useful to pass on?

Or maybe not...

Mick Roberts

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10:07 AM, 13th August 2014, About 11 years ago

Very sad or just said? Ha ha, loads of things make me said in Landlord life & then I think ‘screw ‘em’, they be gone soon & forgot about & onto the next thing.

What your forum has taught me Mark, is that there are some strange old (or young) people out there.

They make ridiculous blanket statements without having a clue of ‘the other side’.

You like your posh or normal tenants-But u also understand the market for the lower end that I deal in.
And vice versa, I like your model too, but couldn’t be doing with talking to people nicey nicey all day.

We was all amateurs at some point.

I know a LOT about complicated HB, but Postal Orders confuse me ha ha.

Note wrong with pushing the odd service on here if u can. We always got to try to look after ourselves when we can.

Gary Lee

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10:07 AM, 13th August 2014, About 11 years ago

Just ignore the comments Mark, you do a fantastic job maintaining this site and offering advice on a personal level (I have first hand experience of this for which I thank you).

I think it was Shakespeare who said:

"The fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool."

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