Doubling ground rent get-out clauses?

Doubling ground rent get-out clauses?

14:28 PM, 22nd December 2022, About 2 years ago

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We have received an offer to vary a lease that originally contained a doubling clause by the developer. It has already been varied to increase by RPI to avoid that initial clause. The new offer from the developer born of the new rules introduced by the CMA is limited and we are excluded by virtue of the fact that we own more than two residential properties. The original lease variation increased the rent by £80 per year.

Not sure that the competition markets authority is aware of the get-out clauses being used to avoid allowing the ground rent to remain as the initial amount payable when the lease was first entered into.

We have sold the property in question so will not be in a position to challenge this moving forward. However had we not owned more than 2 rental properties we would have been able to claim the increased ground rent we have paid for the last three years and pay the ground rent as the initial amount when the lease was signed.


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