Do I need to pay the selective licence admin charge if my tenant is moving out?

Do I need to pay the selective licence admin charge if my tenant is moving out?

0:01 AM, 7th January 2025, About a month ago 11

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Hi, I applied for a selective licence back in September, and only now has the council sent the invoice for Part A (£375), which I understand legally covers the ‘admin’ costs for the pre-draft licence assessment.

Over Christmas, the tenant has decided to move on so will be gone in 10 days time – the house will become empty and I will be looking to sell.

Do I need to pay for Part A at all now as the property will not have a tenant and therefore the property does not come under the requirement for a mandated selective licence? Or do I need to pay Part A, and then request a part refund on this? (I.e. some admin costs taken out but not the full Part A charged, a licence is not required as the property is not being let)

The council website gives no detail and there is no number to call for the selective licensing department.



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Jessie Jones

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23:05 PM, 11th January 2025, About a month ago

I would place the onus on the Council to demonstrate why you should pay.
You appearvto have done everything correctly so far by applying for the licence. In Nottingham they give you a few days to pay, so you don't need to do it straight away.
Hopefully when they chase you for it, your tenant will have left. Just say as much to the council, but no more. If they say that youvstill have to pay, politely ask them for the relevant bit of legislation that's system you still have to pay. If they genuinely have an existing rule, guideline or legislation that says you have to pay, they will show you, at which point pay it.
If they can't show you such a rule, then they can't take you to a tribunal.
Each council may have their own rules or smallprint.

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