Being a Landlord can be a lonely business – is something bugging you?

Being a Landlord can be a lonely business – is something bugging you?

9:29 AM, 11th December 2012, About 12 years ago

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Being a Landlord can be a lonely business - is something bugging you?Being a landlord can sometimes be a lonely business.

The more properties you own, the more problems you encounter. Unless you mix regularly with other landlords it is sometimes difficult to know who to talk to about the challenges you face and what to do for the best isn’t it?

Friends and family can often add perspective to issues and decisions you need to make as a landlord but it’s good to bounce questions and ideas off other landlords occasionally too.

You may have noticed that several of our readers do just that. At Property118 we have created a special section called “Readers Questions“.

What we always find amazing is that there is rarely an issue which other landlords in the Property118 community haven’t encountered and either overcome or learned from. What’s even nicer is that so many people are keen to help. They want to read about other landlords dilemma’s and to chip in with their advice or opinion. We think it also makes our forum more interesting and it is building into a useful wiki for landlords, especially as we search engine optimise every article.

Landlords are still finding articles via Google which we published in 2011 when we launched Property118. By raising a question today, or indeed answering a question left by a fellow landlord, you could be helping other landlords for years to come.

If you would like to submit a Guest article, if you have a question you would like to put to our readers or if you just want a rant please complete the form below – we can’t guarantee to publish every Readers Question but we will always respond and guide you to existing discussions where applicable.

We will always try to offer an opinion or suggestions but we don’t have a monopoly on good ideas. We learn a lot from the questions raised and comments left by other landlords and their professional advisers too. It’s also interesting to observe human behavior. Some people make themselves look daft by telling others they are naive or stupid whereas other people clearly demonstrate how helpful total strangers can be.

If possible please make your question/article at least 300 words, i.e. more than half a page and suggest a title. Don’t worry too much about spelling and grammar, we will do our best to tidy it up for you if necessary 😉

We are happy for your details to be kept anonymous if that’s what you prefer, e.g. first name and no contact details given.

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Jonathan Clarke

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10:34 AM, 11th December 2012, About 12 years ago

Good idea. I`m a trained counsellor as well as a portfolio landlord. Its very therapeutic to meet up with other landlords and chat through the business and just offload day to day stuff . It helps to reaffirm that we are all in the same boat on many of the typical problems associated with being a landlord. Many a 30 min planned meeting with me has turned into a 2hr+ session where maybe months or even years of pent up problems are washed out of the system in a mutual de stressing wave of property exfoliation!

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22:53 PM, 22nd March 2013, About 12 years ago

I was planning to purchase a property for buy to let at the beginning of next year but am reconsidering due to the new deals that the budget has brought. I am now considering purchasing sooner before the discounted mortgages come into effect which I was thinking would increase property prices. I would be grateful for advise on this. thanks

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