Shelter Scotland urges action amid falling housebuilding targets

Shelter Scotland urges action amid falling housebuilding targets

0:01 AM, 23rd December 2024, About 2 months ago 3

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Shelter Scotland has criticised the Scottish government for falling short on housebuilding targets.

According to Scottish government figures, there was a 12% decrease in all sector housebuilding starts and a 10% decrease in completions between 2023 and 2024.

The Scottish government aim to build 110,000 affordable homes by 2032 with the commitment that 70% will be for social rent.

Number of completions and starts were down by 22%

According to the figures, in the 12 months ending September 2024, 19,828 homes were completed, and 14,768 new builds were started. Of the total completions, the private sector delivered 15,056 homes, while the social sector accounted for 4,772 homes.

For new starts, the private sector began construction on 11,697 homes, and the social sector started work on 3,071 homes.

Under the Affordable Housing Supply Programme, in the year to the end of September 2024, there were 6,682 approvals, 5,925 starts, and 8,413 completions of affordable homes. Compared to the year ending September 2023, completions fell by 22% (-2,373 homes), and starts dropped by 8% (-514 homes). However, approvals rose by 9% (524) over the same period.

Building more social homes is the only way to end the housing emergency

Alison Watson, director of Shelter Scotland, says not building enough homes will exacerbate the housing crisis.

She said: “The Scottish government will need to increase social house building by 40% every month if they are to deliver on their promise to build 77,000 homes for social rent by 2032.

“Building more social homes is the only way to end the housing emergency, and the government knows this.

“We welcomed Shona Robison’s decision in the latest Scottish budget to reverse last year’s devastating 24% cut to the social housing budget. The figures show the impact that has had with a 22% drop in the number of new affordable homes completed in the year to the end of September 2024.

“That is why the money must be matched with action. Action to make better use of existing homes, to buy homes for rent and action to speed up planning and construction in the areas most impacted by the housing emergency.”

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Cider Drinker

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8:42 AM, 23rd December 2024, About 2 months ago

Builders build houses to make a profit. They don’t build them if they think they won’t be able to sell them.

Driving landlords away and making it more expensive for first time buyers are just two reasons that make it less like.y that builders will build. Add in NI changes and increases to the minimum wage and you have a sure-fire way of suffocating the market.

But it’s ok, Mr Pennycook, with his vast experience of life and house building in particular, says that landlords are not exiting the market.

That’s ok then. As you were.

dismayed landlord

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10:30 AM, 23rd December 2024, About 2 months ago

Reap what sow!

Dylan Morris

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11:59 AM, 23rd December 2024, About 2 months ago

It’s won’t be the Scottish Government building them it will be the private sector. In England the new administration are bringing in a require that any large private builder (Barrett’s etc) must have 50% social housing on their sites. And this will be non negotiable. Can’t see much building taking place if any at all.

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