Post eviction security and clean up

Post eviction security and clean up

10:20 AM, 22nd September 2017, About 7 years ago

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At The Sheriff’s Office we often have clients ask us to help with post eviction clear ups. Our team can ensure that correct steps are taken not only to clean up, but to re-secure the site and ensure both yours and the public’s safety. We are experts in doing this for both property and land.

Why is clean up important?

We’ve been involved with clean ups that have included the following dangers. These are all hazards and potentially life threatening, therefore careful consideration and planning is required.

  • Bio hazardous material
  • Exposed wires
  • Evidence of drug use
  • Booby traps
  • Infestations of fleas
  • Wasps nests
  • Dogs and other animals
  • Human and animal waste
  • Asbestos contamination

These hazards expose those clearing up to danger it is important to consider the safety aspect of clean up as you’ll need to ensure the safety of those cleaning as well as that of members of the public. You’ll need to ensure any materials of a dangerous or hazardous nature are disposed of correctly and that you adhere to any environmental legislation.

 Making the property secure

It’s important to consider security as people who have lived in a property may well have an emotional attachment to it. They might have made fond memories and feel it is there right to re-enter the property to assert their feeling of ownership, or to collect belongings.

It is not unheard of in the case of squatters and protesters that individuals try to hide in the property, we will ensure that the property is empty and carry out thorough internal searches before looking to secure the property.

In all cases you must consider all angles and carry out a thorough risk assessment. We’d recommend  engaging with professionals to undertake project planning.

Security measures

We have many building security measures we might recommend including:

  • Keeping the building occupied by short term tenants or property guardians (people occupying the premises on a very short-term contract for a minimal rent, in exchange for protecting the property from squatters, vandalism and general deterioration).
  • CCTV, alarm installation, motion detector lighting or a security guard to check the property regularly
  • High fences, window bars and barbed wire
  • Trenches, mounds or fixed metal posts filled with concrete
  • Utlising natural landscapes such as water, trees and ditches in the case of securing land and preventing access

How we can help

At The sheriffs Office we offer contaminated waste management using the correct personal protective equipment. This includes the safe removal of asbestos which will be carried out by our qualified and specialist team.

We will remove and dispose of all unwanted items including fixtures and fittings clearing rubble and rubbish and ensuing there are no lingering odors in the property.

We work with you to come up with the best solutions to ensure that your building or land can remain safe and secure.

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