Nigel Farage, MEP and leader of UKIP (Video interview)

Nigel Farage, MEP and leader of UKIP (Video interview)

14:08 PM, 30th January 2012, About 13 years ago 12

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By Guest Columnist Vanessa Warwick

Vanessa Warwick, co-founder of the Property Tribes forum, recently recorded this interview with Nigel Farage, MEP & leader of UKIP, to ask him his opinions on a variety of issues affecting the housing market including social housing, benefits, first time buyers and EU buy to let regulations.

You can also find more of my property musings at my blog at

Vanessa Warwick is a former TV presenter turned professional Landlord, consultant, and speaker. Along with her husband Nick Tadd, she founded Property Tribes, which is now the U.K.’s busiest online Landlord and investor community. Nick and Vanessa have just launched their new tech product, Yulpa, an on-line “property office/filo-fax” that helps you organise and manage your entire property life in one place. It comes with an iPhone app that does auto due diligence on any property being considered for purchase. Vanessa and Nick have a portfolio of high end apartments in North and East London, family houses in the South East, holiday lets on the South Coast, and a penthouse apartment in Larnaca, Cyprus.

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Jonathan Clarke

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3:13 AM, 1st February 2012, About 13 years ago

Yes Paul mine is a very different approach I guess. I`ve never had RGI and never had to evict anyone. My tenants also stay a long time. LHA stay longer in my experience. .Its a pity you lose £875 pcm because you have such a clinical preconception about the behaviour and integrity  between two large sections of human beings. When I select a tenant the fact whether they are LHA or private forms a relatively small part of my due diligence. Its the persons integrity I look for when i look them in the eye which helps me decide. If they look as if they are going to duck and dive they will do that whether the government pays or an employer does.   Can i ask if you had a working private tenant who had been with you for 2 years paying on the button but then  they rang you up and say the`ve been made redundant and will now have to claim LHA would you next day serve them a Section 21? 

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18:02 PM, 1st February 2012, About 13 years ago

I am largely governed by what the terms and conditions of the RGI policy I have in place on a tenant requires.
These state that in the event of full rent not being received I have to make a claim or I would invalidate the policy.
As I do not intend to ever again be left without the protection of a RGI policy; having lost 2 properties because of LHA claimant fraud; I am left with little choice than to submit the  RGI claim.
There is of course the 13 week rule which allows  an LHA claim to meet the full rent for the first 13 weeks of an LHA claim.
The difference between LHA and my rent would be £31.00 per week.
If a LHA claimant is not prepared to come with such a small amount to retain their tenancy then I would not wish to retain them as tenants.
If you want to retain a certain lifestyle you cannot expect the taxpayer to facilitate that.
People will have to live within their means.
Life is all about choices.
If my tenants choose not to pay £31.00 out of their own resources once a week then they WILL be evicted.
I also have a Section 21 in force issued 2 months into an initial AST which always proceeds in my case to a SPT.

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