Landlords beware of sublets and housing workers

Landlords beware of sublets and housing workers

11:01 AM, 7th December 2017, About 7 years ago

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Recently in Norwich many landlords who attend our networking events have been hit by companies and people renting their houses. These people or companies rent house and then sub let or house workers.

It been reported to us that in some cases houses have been over crowded, left in terrible states or utilities never paid.

Whilst some companies are genuinely renting houses and don’t cause issues, landlords need to be very careful who they rent houses to. There is a group of Eastern Europeans circling Norwich and Norfolk in particular.

They rent house and offer top money and tend to use company names and different people, but be WARNED! These people will fill your house with 2/3 people in each room and they will trash it!

They have zero regard for safety, and will over crowd your house which could lead a fine from the council.

If you manage to ever get them out you will be left being owed months of rent, the house will be trashed beyond recognition and any furniture and appliances you had will be long gone.

We had stories of trash being dump in gardens and houses being left in a disgusting state. They use all sorts of people to find and manage their house.

These people use several phone numbers and because they cannot get past references etc. target small agents and private landlords.

The rent and offer may seem good, but it is to good to be true.

We’ve also had reports about a company operating in the areas of:

  • Peterborough
  • Surrey
  • Norwich
  • Manchester

They will sign a company lease to rent a house to 16-18 year olds and ask for alterations to houses and sign long agreements. In reality they pay the first few month and stop paying.

They are very unprofessional, the tenants they house are not looked after correctly and as a result several local authorities have removed the contract from them.

Every landlord and local authority in the above areas need to be very mindful. We have been left with a trashed house with no agreement to pay the bill to repair the damages and left 2-4 months into a 3 year agreement.

Renting houses can be made a lot more difficult when dealing with rouge operators

Please be careful out there.

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