Court N24 order opinions?

Court N24 order opinions?

17:21 PM, 26th February 2021, About 4 years ago 2

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My freeholder/landlord took me to court for non-payment of Service Charge arrears, which I disputed. I was away on holiday when the court papers were delivered and judgement was issued (CCJ).

Upon return, I immediately paid the CCJ direct to the claimant on the understanding via his solicitor that should I have the judgement set aside he would refund the money in full. His solicitors confirmed that the money would be refunded.

After several months I have the judgement set aside. The judge issued a N24 order as follows:

1. I was to submit a defence in full and a copy to the landlord/claimant. My defence was pretty solid.

2. Upon the defence being filed the claimant must “pay to court” the amount he was paid in the now set aside CCJ of nearly 7k

I certainly filed a defence and a copy was recorded sent to his solicitors as directed. He failed to pay any money into court as per directions on the N24 court order

QUESTION, THEREFORE: What do we think the judge will do?

ANY opinions would be greatly appreciated.


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9:33 AM, 26th February 2021, About 4 years ago

Apply to have the judgment set aside and the case transferred to the First Tier Tribunal Property Chamber (assuming you have a reasonable disput)

Ron H-W

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11:55 AM, 17th July 2021, About 4 years ago

I guess it may be too much to hope for, that the original claimant will get "done" for (or threatened with) "contempt of court"?

Just noticed the original date - Is there any news since Feb?

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