Tag: rent rise

What will be the market rate for forthcoming Section 13 r...
Hello, When the Renters’ Rights Bill attains Royal Assent next year, and every application for Section 13 annual rent increase...

Landlords on edge as demand outstrips supply
A new Labour government has made landlords nervous about what lies ahead as demand continues to outpace supply.
The latest figures...

Have you had First-tier Tribunal experiences in rent rises?
Hello, Has anyone had any experience with the First-tier Tribunal (FTT) for market value case?
History is, tenant moved in and given...

Landlords will hike rents to deal with pets
A whopping 75% of landlords are in a furry fury and will raise rents in response to the upcoming Renter’s Reform Bill which aims...

Recommended approach for notifying a tenant about an upco...
Hello, What is the recommended approach for notifying a tenant about an upcoming rent increase after the fixed term of a tenancy agreement...

Renters see biggest annual rent rise since 2016
Tenants have seen rents rise yet again with the Office for National Statistics (ONS) reporting that rent prices grew by 4% in the year...

London’s rents have risen by 15% since last Christmas
Tenants are struggling this Christmas with rising food and energy prices, and now comes news that rents have risen by 15% since last...