MPs believe empty homes could help solve housing crisis

MPs believe empty homes could help solve housing crisis

0:04 AM, 13th July 2023, About 2 years ago 11

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MPs are calling on the government to turn empty buildings into affordable homes.

The group of MPs believe turning commercial properties into residential spaces can help solve the housing crisis.

According to government figures, there are currently 250,000 empty homes across England.

Empty council buildings could create 20,000 more homes

The group of MPs who are part of the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for Housing Market & Housing Delivery and APPG for Ending Homelessness have conducted an inquiry into housing solutions for the homeless.

The joint inquiry report from the APPG reveals empty council buildings could create 20,000 more homes. The 20,000 figure does not include the potential for conversions from the empty commercial properties owned by the private sector.

Overall, 14% of retail unit space and 7% of office space is currently vacant.

Bob Blackman, co-chair of the APPG for Ending Homelessness, said: “The report comes against a backdrop of a severe shortage of affordable housing, which is a core driver of homelessness.

“We have heard from witnesses that there is significant scope to repurpose empty buildings to help ease the housing crisis.

Healthy Homes Principles to ensure high-quality homes

The APPGs have urged the government to implement a set of standards, called Healthy Homes Principles, to ensure high-quality homes.

These would apply to all new housing, including conversions, and include access to amenities such as shops and schools, fire safety and natural light.

The groups are also calling for all conversions to be required to make contributions towards affordable housing to help meet local needs and tackle homelessness.

The government has already signalled its intent to do this through the Levelling Up Bill, but the MPs are calling for the measures to be brought forward to deliver benefits in the immediate term.

Ben Everitt, Chair of the APPG for Housing Market and Delivery, said: “We wanted to look at creative housing supply solutions that are available in the short-term, and hope that the government will take forward our recommendations, which are both practical and pragmatic.”

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7:26 AM, 16th July 2023, About 2 years ago

If we controlled our population there would be no crisis. How can u allow 600,000 people enter the country in a year when there is already a desperate shortage of accommodation?

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