Landlords and Tenants are missing deposit dispute deadlines for evidence

Landlords and Tenants are missing deposit dispute deadlines for evidence

11:46 AM, 12th January 2015, About 10 years ago 2

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The Deposit Protection Service (DPS) have reported that 18% of landlords and 23% of tenants missed deadlines for evidence during deposit disputes during 2014.

The DPS provides a separate independent adjudication service for the adjudication of deposit disputes and says that 17.63% of landlords required to submit evidence after agreeing to dispute resolution either missed their deadline, or sent nothing in meaning an automatic ruling or pay out for the tenant.

According to the DPS’ figures, tenants were even less likely to submit evidence in time, with over 22.86% either providing evidence after the deadline or failing to deliver any at all.

Alexandra Coghlan-Forbes, Head of Adjudication at the DPS, said “too many landlords and tenants are shooting themselves in the foot during disputes by failing to get us the evidence we need to assess their cases.

“Our Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) service ensures an impartial adjudication for both landlord and tenant, but is reliant on both parties submitting proper evidence in good time to work effectively.

“We do everything we can to make sure both parties understand what’s needed and by when, and it’s important that both landlords and tenants meet the 14-calendar day deadline.”

During 2014 failing to submit evidence at all was more common than missing deadlines, with evidence from more than one in ten (10.37%) of landlords and 15.77% of tenants never being submitted.deposit dispute

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Michael Barnes

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13:39 PM, 12th January 2015, About 10 years ago

Failure to submit may mean that the tenant/landlord didn't have a case.

Neil Patterson

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9:11 AM, 13th January 2015, About 10 years ago

Reply to the comment left by "Michael Barnes" at "12/01/2015 - 13:39":

Good point Michael

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