Cladding scandal victims launch website and legal action

Cladding scandal victims launch website and legal action

0:02 AM, 7th June 2024, About 9 months ago 1

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Hello, Over the last few years I have been hit with this awful cladding issue and repossession by my lender due to expiry of mortgage term on one flat by Mortgage Express and the other flat being taken over because of arrears – due to having to pay tens of thousands in legal bills.

It has been an awful experience. Anyway, I am trying to fight back, and I also represent the many, many other innocent victims caught up through no fault of their own.

It is 7 years since Grenfell on the 14th June and some apartment blocks still do not have their remedial work costed let alone fixed!

We have now started this website:

We will be promoting the site over the next few weeks, trying to gain attention in all the media, including radio, national newspapers, online and social media.

Please help in any way you can.

There is also a Gofundme campaign: Cladding Scandal Community Group UK.

We will use the proceeds from this to take the lenders and the government to court and change the laws.

All the best,

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16:46 PM, 7th June 2024, About 8 months ago

All the very best with your campaign. Fighting back is long overdue imo . Are we all satisfied with being treated like dirt ? It's time to rebel !!

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