Thank you, and here is a gift for you – High Value training on Sunday

Thank you, and here is a gift for you – High Value training on Sunday

10:39 AM, 3rd May 2024, About 10 months ago

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I am delighted to be able to share a valuable gift with you this weekend.

I am giving this gift to the clients on my database and wanted to also offer it to the subscribers of property 118.

Last week I launched my new six-module online HMO 2.0 Home Study programme, for which enrolment closed yesterday.

As a thank you for watching my videos, opening my emails and joining me on some of the webinars, I am giving my clients access to the content from Module No 1 (of six) in my HMO 2.0 Home Study programme, which many other people have just paid £1,497 to join.

I will be running this live online virtual Master Class, this Sunday starting at 5pm.

In this first module you will learn:

  • What is an HMO?
  • How much can you make from HMOs?
  • Difference between single lets and HMOs
  • The 4 different types of Tenants who live in HMOs
  • Understanding Planning and Licensing
  • Opportunists in Article 4 areas
  • Which acquisition strategy should you use?

This training is going to be longer than the normal webinars I run, because I have got a solid two hours of content to share with you, and I will allow some extra time to answer your questions.

This live virtual Master Class is taking place this weekend on Sunday from 5pm to 7.30pm.

There are only 1000 spots available,

So, I recommend you secure your place now.

As the 2 hours of content that I am going to share with you on Sunday is from the first Module of my new six-module online training (for which people have paid £1497), I am not going to be releasing a recording of this training, as it wouldn’t be fair to those people who have paid for it. So, the only way you can benefit from this is to joining me live online. I highly recommend that you clear your diary from 5pm to 7.30pm on Sunday, to make sure you gain maximum benefit from this opportunity.

Click on this link to claim your gift and secure your place

Simon Zutshi

Author of Property Magic and founder of pin

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