Landlord Tax Planning Presentation in PowerPoint and PDF

Landlord Tax Planning Presentation in PowerPoint and PDF

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Landlord Tax Planning Presentation in PowerPoint and PDF

Below is an updated version presentation Mark Smith, Cotswold Barristers and I delivered at the Baker Street Property Meet on 26th April 2017 (as pictured below), but with lots of extra bonus slides.

379 landlords attended the live event and people were still asking us questions well into the early hours, hence the extra slides.

This is the type of presentation you will want to watch over and over again. It explains the legislation you can use to your advantage in plain English and also explains what you can do to obtain HMRC non-statutory clearance to ensure your strategy qualifies before you commit to it. You will learn about incorporation relief to mitigate CGT and Stamp Duty at the point of incorporation and also how to ‘wash out’ all capital gains to date. You will also learn how all of the above can be achieved without the need to refinance.

The presentation will show you how to restructure your business to save tax now, and to enable you qualify for incorporation relief in future years just in case you don’t qualify immediately.

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