Peace in the war between landlords and tenants

Peace in the war between landlords and tenants

8:43 AM, 2nd August 2011, About 14 years ago 2

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"Tenants and landlords have good relations in the main"

Forget the odd moans and gripes between those traditional enemies landlords and tenants – the majority get on just fine.

Nearly every landlord has a good relationship with their tenants, according to the latest survey from the National Landlords Association.

Six out of 10 landlords described claimed they got on ‘very well’ with tenants, while another 34% consider their dealings are ‘good’.

The rest say their relationship is ‘adequate’ (3%) with just 1% saying dealings between them are ‘poor’.

Most landlords tend to keep communication with tenants to a minimum, with around a third talking to them once a month and about 40% only bothering ‘when the need arises’.

NLA chairman David Salusbury said: “The NLA believes that the private rented sector will play an important part in helping to meet the demand for quality housing in the coming years. So it is pleasing to see that almost all landlords have a good relationship with their tenants and that both parties are content.

“The best way to ensure good relations between the tenant and landlord is to ensure the right tenant is selected for the property. The NLA advises that all landlords should meet with the prospective tenant, view the property together, discuss the tenancy agreement in detail and explain how and when the rent should be paid.”

Salusbury goes on to explain that maintaining a good business relationship with tenants is a vital part of running property investments.

“Landlords can maintain this professional relationship by staying in touch with the tenant, and ensuring any repairs are carried out quickly. It’s also important to do a background check on a prospective tenant to give landlords peace of mind. Tenant checks can help prevent fraud and any possible rent arrears,” he said.

Many landlords instruct letting agents to manage their properties and have no direct dealings with tenants – the NLA survey only relates to landlords who manager their own buy to let homes.

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John Williscroft

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13:43 PM, 25th August 2011, About 14 years ago


I am a landlord with 8 buy to let properties. I suffered a stroke last year reulting in my loosing my speech and communication skills (this has completely been rectified).

Three of my buy to let properties are with Paragon Mortgages who instruced a Receiver of Rents. I was informed that as I had paid off my outstanding amounts everything was ok but that I had been paid on the final hurdle of having a bad credit schore (this is a result of my illness).

I am very keen to regain my properties back in my own name and I am unsure how to go about this, I would very much value your advice please.

Thank you

Jack Phillips

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10:27 AM, 30th August 2011, About 14 years ago

Hello John.

I've asked your question over on PropertyTribes, a forum we use regularly. If you follow this link to Property Tribes, there is an answer to you query and also people there who may be able to help and advise you more.


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