20 years supporting property investors

20 years supporting property investors

14:39 PM, 25th April 2023, About A year ago

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At the Property Investor Show at Excel last Friday, I was delighted to be presented with an award for being one of the longest-standing exhibitors at the show since 2003 and having provided support to other property investors for 20 years through our property investors network (pin) monthly networking meetings all over the UK.

Back in 2003, I found property investing to be a very lonely journey. By then I had replaced my income thanks to the passive income from my property portfolio, which means I could leave my management role at Cadbury, something which I never thought I would do.

All of my friends were still working, none of my family had ever invested in property, apart from in their own homes, and although I had done quite well from my investing, I had made lots of mistakes and I knew I could have done much better if only I had some help and support.

Property investors network

I went online to see if there was some sort of support group for property investors but there was nothing anywhere in the UK at that time.  I decided to set up the first ever property specific monthly networking meeting for property investors and called it the property investors network. Our first meeting was in Birmingham where I live.

We now have 50+ meetings all over the UK, every monthly apart from August and December, a few of which are still virtual online meetings, but the majority are in person, face to face networking meetings. We also have new meetings opening in Europe and UAE in the next few months.

I would like to thank all of our incredible hosts for their amazing support over the last 20 years. All of hosts have trained with us and are successful investors themselves, who are dedicated to giving back to their local community and helping other investors, no matter where they are on their property journey. They are an inspiration and we could not provide this support and positive environment without their help.

If you have been to a pin meeting before you know how valuable it is to attend on a regular basis, to connect with other local investors, gain inspiration about what you could achieve, and also to keep up to date with changes in the ever changing property market.

It’s only £20 to attend your local pin meeting, which is a bargain giving the value you can gain, but if you have never been before you can attend as a guest courtesy of Property118.

Follow these simple steps:

  1. Visit pin meeting website at: https://propertyinvestorsnetwork.co.uk/meetings/
  2. Click on your local pin meeting location for details of the next meeting
  3. Once on your local meeting page, scroll to the bottom of the page
  4. Where you normally pay, select option “Voucher Code”
  5. Fill in your details and use Voucher code Property118
  6. Look out for your confirmation email with all the details

If you have been to a pin meeting before why not book your next meeting now and if you have never personally been to a pin meeting why not take advantage of this offer and come and see for yourself what you have been missing out on.

I am proud to have been the pioneer of property network meetings in the UK, and would like to thank everyone who has ever attended one. Here’s to the next 20 years of the property investors network.

Invest with knowledge, Invest with skill.

Wishing you all the best on your property journey.

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