Ranjan Bhattacharya

How to find Shops & Tops for commercial to residential conversion

How to find Shops & Tops for commercial to residential conversion...

I take a stroll down the high street and share what to look for when searching for retail property to convert to residential use under Permitted Development Rights. Watch this video to find out for yourself,

Why UK Property Prices Will Rise in 2021

Why UK Property Prices Will Rise in 2021...

I correctly predicted last year, that there would be no housing market crash in 2021. In this update, I consider some key announcements from the Budget and state why I feel property prices will rise in...

ARE YOU READY for the biggest opportunity for property investors in 2021?

ARE YOU READY for the biggest opportunity for property investors...

Changes are afoot in the world of commercial property, to make it far easier to repurpose commercial buildings for other commercial and residential uses. These changes will offer tremendous opportunities...

Budget 2021 – What It Means For UK Property Investors

Budget 2021 – What It Means For UK Property Investors...

Chancellor Rishi Sunak announces his 2021 Budget. This is a budget aimed at recovery and rebuilding the economy as we come out of the Covid-19 crisis. In this video below, I look specifically at what this...

What to expect in the 2021 Budget?

What to expect in the 2021 Budget?

What’s coming up in the UK spring budget? And will it be good news for UK property investors? In this video below, I am going to share with you my thoughts on what property investors can expect from...

UK housing market predictions

UK housing market predictions...

In this video, I will be sharing my housing market predictions and some shocking stats and graphs that hardly anyone is talking about, which explain why property prices will not crash after March when...

When Planning Meets Go Wrong

When Planning Meets Go Wrong...

A bizarre Zoom Planning committee meeting featuring at Handforth Parish Council, went viral today, making Committee Chairman, Jackie Weaver, a celebrity. Planning committees often go wrong and in this...

It’s official – NO NEED to refinance when incorporating into a limited company

It’s official – NO NEED to refinance when incorporating...

HMRC CONFIRMS you do not have to refinance all your properties when you incorporate your portfolio into a Limited Company. In this video below, Mark Alexander from Property 118 & I, Ranjan Bhattacharya,

Kensington Flat For £45K At Auction?

Kensington Flat For £45K At Auction?

Property Auction Review video of some of the best property investment deals (both Residential & Commercial) coming at property auctions Allsop & Auction House London reviewed by myself, Rod Turner,

Could your buy-to-let company share structure be better?

Could your buy-to-let company share structure be better?

99% of the 228,743 UK Property Investment Companies in existence at the end of 2020 had sub-optimal share structures. Is yours one of them? A sub-optimal share structure in your buy-to-let Limited Company...

Post Incorporation Refinancing Explained

Post Incorporation Refinancing Explained...

So you’ve incorporated your property portfolio into a limited company, now there’s a whole world of refinancing and finance raising options open to you. This video is all about explaining which...

Your top 10 mortgage finance questions for 2021

Your top 10 mortgage finance questions for 2021...

Buy to Let Mortgage Finance Explained in this in-depth Q & A with buy to let mortgage expert, Akhil Mair from Our Mortgage Broker. Watch the whole video or dive into the topics you want answering.

Property Market Outlook For 2021

Property Market Outlook For 2021...

So what’s in store for property investors in 2021? In this video, I am joined by property entrepreneur Andrew Roberts as we take you through the threats, risks and opportunities for property investors...

Property investors Christmas message from the Palace

Property investors Christmas message from the Palace...

Watch this special message exclusively for property investors this Christmas from Buckingham Palace. 2021 will be full of uncertainty, but this is the new norm. I share how you can learn to prosper through...

Is Buy To Let Worth The Effort In 2021?

Is Buy To Let Worth The Effort In 2021?

Is Buy To Let still worth the effort in 2021? Property investors have faced many challenges in 2020 which have left some investors questioning whether residential buy to let is still worth the effort.

Positive changes to HMRC’s Stamp Duty manuals

Positive changes to HMRC’s Stamp Duty manuals...

For individual landlords and relatively new Partnerships, the changes to HMRC’s manuals could be very welcome news. The 3% additional rate does not apply to residential properties if a property rental...

Government Announces that XMAS Comes Early For Property Investors & Developers

Government Announces that XMAS Comes Early For Property Investors...

Property investors and developers have been waiting for the Government to announce the NEW Permitted Development Rights for repurposing commercial buildings for residential use. IT’S HERE! The Government...

Why The Housing Market Will Not Crash In 2021

Why The Housing Market Will Not Crash In 2021...

Contrary to what many doom and gloom merchants are saying, the UK housing market WILL NOT crash in 2021. In this video, I share eight reasons why UK property prices will not crash in 2021, three types...

The BRRRR Method

The BRRRR Method...

The BRRRR Method to successful property portfolio building is much talked about. BRRRR stands for Buy, Refurbish, Rent, Refinance & Repeat. The BRRRR strategy is how most successful property investors...

LIVE interview with David Smith on proposed legal action against Lockdown evictions

LIVE interview with David Smith on proposed legal action against...

A judicial review into the inability to evict non-paying tenants during lockdown is being launched by David Smith of JMW Solicitors. This tenant eviction ban during lockdown is causing many smaller landlords...

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Saturday 2nd April 2016

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